Krystal Ball’s individual in-district contributions down to 4.92%.

It was 5.15% at the end of September, now it’s down to a mere 4.92%.

4.92% of this candidate’s money from individuals, a misery $15,150, has come from within the district.

If you don’t count the money that’s she gotten from her husband, only 3.36% of her money, $10,350, is from within the district.

Meanwhile, an imbecile like Lowell Feld at Blue Virginia talks about how Krystal Ball is a ‘true progressive that can win!1!’.

Cross-posted at On The Right and Virginia Virtucon.

Catherine Crabill: 9/11 Truther?

There’s been a lot of buzz in the blogosphere this week after Glenn Beck went off on Debra Medina, a Republican Gubernatorial candidate in Texas. Beck exposed Media as being both a “Birther” (someone that believes President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States) and a “9/11 Truther”, someone that believes that Bush, or anyone besides Al-Qaeda, was responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Unfortunately, both “Birthers” and “Truthers” have infiltrated the Republican Party, and while there are some “Truthers” on the left side of the aisle, there are more than a few on the right. RedState, one of the major national blogs, implemented a policy where people expressing Pro-“Birther” or Pro-“Truther” sentiments would be banned.

This is definitely a good first step, but it needs to be more than just RedState doing it. Republicans need to remain vigilant and exorcise these people when they become known to them. As a side note, if the tea party movement (which I have been critical over for exactly this reason) wishes to maintain legitimate, they need to do the same thing.

I was talking to someone about the Medina incident, and they decided to send me a screenshot of someone’s Facebook page showing her as a fan of “Michael Rivero’s What Really Happened”. If you look at this guy’s website (get your own link), you’ll see a 8,631 word opus of 9/11 conspiracy theories, and “exclusives” such as “WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE DYING FOR IN AFGHANISTAN”, featuring a picture of an opium poppy seed, which is used to make the drug heroin, and a comment about the “The US Narco-corporation of CIA-MAFIA”. There’s also “exclusives” titled “Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government” and “Fake Al Qaeda”.

All around, a colossal jewel of insanity.

Care to guess what certain local “Republican” is a fan of this guy’s website? Catherine Crabill (there’s a screen shot of her Facebook page below the fold, with some redactions, as evidence). As if her “OKC Truther” nonsense wasn’t bad and disgusting enough, this is a whole new playing field frankly.

Hopefully, the next time this person tries to involve herself with the Republican Party, they tell her to take a hike.

Cross-posted at On The Right and Virginia Virtucon.

Continue reading “Catherine Crabill: 9/11 Truther?”

Kenny Golden (Republican candidate in the second district): People in the military are prohibited from having sex.

Oh, really Kenny?:

Virginia Beach, VA – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, stated on Tuesday his support of allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military.

2nd District Congressional Candidate Kenny Golden, who served with Admiral Mullen and knows him well, vehemently disagrees.

“While Admiral Mullen is a trusted and admired friend, he and I differ completely on this matter. The issue at hand is not civil rights, but discipline and unit cohesion. Any sexual conduct, homosexual or heterosexual, is strictly prohibited. We are not denying anyone their civil rights just because they cannot announce they are homosexual.”

Well, hot damn, did you guys know that sexual conduct by heterosexual members of the military was prohibited? News to me. So all those military folk you see getting married, I guess they never consummate their marriages?

And I do enjoy people that use straw men, in this particular case, comparing otherwise legal sexual activity with fraternization.

Cross-posted at On The Right and Virginia Virtucon.

SCOTUS to Paul Warner Powell: Let us know how that execution works out for you.

Not really, but one can dream.

The Supreme Court of the United States has declined to hear Paul Warner Powell’s case, so his execution should be scheduled (again) shortly.

Special thanks to commenter “Fred” for keeping me up-to-date on his case’s status at the Supreme Court in the comments section of the Paul Warner Powell page of this blog.

Dave Marsden admits fraudulent voter registration.

A month ago Dave Marsden was saying that he was living in the 37th district, now he’s saying he will “eventually” move to the district.

In this vain, I’m hereby announcing my intention to run against State Senator Edd Houck (D-17th). I don’t live in the district currently and I more than likely won’t be in the district by the time of they do redistricting in 2011, but I guarantee you that I will be properly renting someone’s basement or guest room before I file for my run.

And I guarantee you, my future constituents, that I will move to the district following my win.

Maybe, if I feel like it.

It really depends on what the housing prices are by that time.

And if I can get a loan.

But I guarantee you!

Cross-posted at Virginia Virtucon.

Donna Blanton’s petition for appeal hearing granted by the Supreme Court of Virginia.

Why? Because apparently the prosecutor isn’t supposed to refute the defendant’s bizarre arguement that the prosecution is supposed to do the defense’s job.

Or something like that. You can read the defendant’s appeal here and the Commonwealth’s response here.

Frankly, Bob McDonnell needs to clear the Supreme Court of these idiots. That’s what you get when you have “Democratic” “leadership” for eight years.

Two universities encouraging Facebook spam.

From my VCU e-mail:

1. Facebook Face-off: VCU vs. GMU
Virginia Commonwealth University and George Mason University – Virginia’s largest universities and CAA rivals – are going head-to-head to see who can bring in the most Facebook fans. The competition tipped off at noon on Jan. 19 and runs until noon on Feb. 9. The school with the most new fans when the buzzer sounds will be announced at half-time during the VCU and GMU men’s basketball face-off that night. Show your spirit and help VCU win the Facebook challenge. Go to

It’s bad enough the crap I get on Facebook everyday, but here are two dumbass universities encouraging their students to send out as many fan requests as possible.

Maybe the university should send out a link to the video that WTTG (Fox 5 in Washington, D.C.) had during their 10:00 p.m. news about how you shouldn’t act like an obnoxious brat on Facebook.

“Tea partiers” in the 5th against Eric Cantor before they were for him?

Last week, the various far-righters in the 5th Congressional District were incensed that Eric Cantor would dare to contribute $7,000 (through his campaign committee and his personal funds) to the Congressional campaign of State Senator Robert Hurt. These little tirades included throwing around words like “RINO” and whatnot with allegations that Cantor was not a ‘true conservative’ and so on and so forth (for an example, check out the 5th District blog).

Then came news today that certain “tea party” leaders were attempting to recruit former Representative Virgil Goode to run against Perriello, notwithstanding Goode’s lost to Perriello in 2008.

Now, I’m far from a fan of Eric Cantor (and there are posts to prove that), but maybe these “tea party” folks should go take a look at Virgil Goode’s own campaign contributions. According to Virgil Goode’s campaign finance reports (through September 30, 2009), Virgil Goode’s campaign committee has contributed a total of $1,500 to Cantor for Congress ($500 to Cantor for Congress on March 31, 2009, and an additional $1,000 on July 21, 2009).

So, what’s worse, receiving money from Cantor or giving Cantor money?

Cross-posted at On The Right and Virginia Virtucon.