A two act show

U2 – “Beautiful Day”:


Steam – “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye”:


Goodbye Calvin Taylor, Harvey Latney, and Homer Johnson (again)!

Damn fine job there Maxie!

Race Candidate Vote Vote%
Clerk of Court      

Ray Smith Campbell, Jr.




Terry M. Southworth



Commonwealth’s Attorney



Anthony G. “Tony” Spencer




Harvey Latney, Jr.




A. A. “Tony” Lippa, Jr.




Homer G. Johnson




Jack E. Braxton, Jr.



Board of Supervisors – Bowling Green


Damon L. Gray, Sr.




George L. Spaulding, Jr.




Jeffery M. “Jeff” Sili



Board of Supervisors – Madison      

John C. Green




Wayne A. Acors



Board of Supervisors – Mattaponi      

Floyd W. Thomas




William O. “Bill” Pickett



Board of Supervisors – Port Royal      

Bobby J. Popowicz, Jr.




Calvin B. Taylor, Sr.



School Board – Bowling Green      

Kerry L. Bischoff




Tamara Lyn “Tami” Redding



School Board – Madison      

Bruce J. Levy




William A. “Bill” Anderson



Permanent top post through election day (scroll down for newer stuff)

Here are some quotes to consider going into election day:

Sheriff’s race:

“I’m going to stand for loyalty, integrity, pride, professionalism and accountability,” said Lippa, a 24-year veteran of the state police. “I think the citizens of this county deserve that.”

Lippa, 49, said he wants to see Caroline sheriff’s deputies taking advantage of the same training and education as the troopers he supervises at the state police field office in Bowling Green.

“They need to be a step above the crime and the criminals,” Lippa said. “The more education they can have, the better they will be.”


“I don’t know what Tony’s talking about, I’ve never been arrested,” Johnson said.

The former state police sergeant has already moved into his new office, appointed a command staff, promoted from within and hired experienced law enforcement officers from around the region to join him when he officially becomes Sheriff Lippa tomorrow morning.

The 24-year veteran of the Virginia State Police trampled 12-year incumbent Sheriff Homer Johnson in the November election, winning by 66 percent of the vote.

Now, Lippa, 48, wants to make sure he doesn’t let voters down.

“Obviously, the people of Caroline thought it was time for drastic changes, and that’s what I’m here to do,” he said.

One of his first moves was to hire two new female deputies–and he hopes to add a third.

“The Sheriff’s Office hasn’t had a female deputy on patrol in 12 years,” he said.

He’s also beefing up the school resource program by adding a third deputy to work high school hallways when the other two are off duty or called away for court.

Lippa has already moved the Sheriff’s Office administrative staff out of their tiny cramped quarters and into the former county prosecutor’s office.

He’s been talking with county officials about moving the entire Sheriff’s Office to the old courthouse building now that the new courthouse complex is finished.

Just weeks after the election, he asked for resumes from all 41 Sheriff’s Office employees and has reappointed each of them, in some cases promoting officers or moving them into specialized areas to utilize their expertise.

He’s also ordered new shirts, with colorful county-seal patches emblazoned on the sleeves, for everyone in the department.

“There was concern about morale with a new sheriff taking over, but morale has been tremendous,” Lippa said.

Lippa hired an old friend as his second-in-command at the Sheriff’s Office. Former state police Special Agent Mike Hall will take over as major on Friday.

Hall headed up the regional drug task force in recent years, and tackling drug problems is one of Lippa’s first priorities.

Sheriff’s Capt. Scott Moser, formerly Johnson’s second-in-command, will take over the department’s investigative unit.

Spotsylvania sheriff’s Detective Bobby Jones has also moved to Lippa’s team as an investigator, bringing 21 years’ experience.

“I’m trying to branch out and put good people in the areas they know best,” he said.

Commonwealth’s Attorney’s race:

  • Richmond Times-Dispatch, November 1, 2007:

Shelia Mae Boone pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of federal bank fraud for writing one $1,000 check to herself on the account of the lawyer for whom she worked.

That lawyer is Harvey Latney Jr., who works part time as the commonwealth’s attorney in Caroline County in addition to his private law practice. Boone was his only employee.

U.S. District Court documents on Boone describe a period of at least two years when she was forging checks on bank accounts set up by Latney for money he was holding for clients and estates he was handling.


A statement filed with her guilty plea yesterday states that she stole a total of $92,930.42, including the $1,000. That leaves at least $178,000 not accounted for by Boone’s plea agreement or statement.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael R. Gill declined to comment on the case.

Boone’s lawyer, Arnold Henderson, said he agreed with federal prosecutors that the single bank-fraud count “was the appropriate charge to bring” against his client.

“I don’t know what’s truly missing from Mr. Latney’s accounts,” Henderson said. “My investigation does not reveal that Ms. Boone had any involvement above [the $92,930.82].”

George Chabalewski, counsel for the Virginia State Bar, confirmed last month that the bar has opened an investigation of Latney because of the missing money. Chabalewski would not say who initiated the bar complaint or provide other details.


Members of the Williams family had been complaining at least since last year about how long Latney was taking to settle the estate. One of the city’s commissioners of accounts started looking into the complaints and eventually discovered money was missing.

Board of Supervisors:

Caroline County’s future is unfolding as construction begins on the new Pendleton subdivision.

The 3,500-home neighborhood is going up on nearly 1,200 acres in Ladysmith on U.S. 1 and State Route 639 between two other subdivisions, Lake Caroline and Lake Land’Or.


“I don’t think it will bring citizens who will be a burden to the county,” he said. “The houses are nice houses. They are probably middle and upper-income houses, and will probably bring citizens who will enhance the county.”

As opposed to us lowly serfs in the Port Royal district I guess…

Hawaii may be famous for its sand and surf, but Stafford County Supervisor Bob Gibbons says he’s more interested in the island state’s roads.

Gibbons is one of three supervisors in the Fredericksburg area who plan to fly to Honolulu next month to attend the National Association of Counties’ five-day annual conference.

But Gibbons and Caroline County Supervisors Wayne Acors and Calvin Taylor say the July 15-19 session will be a working trip.

“Hawaii is one of the leading states on the program they have done for their rural roads,” Gibbons said. “We are going to look at them and try to understand how they did it.”


Most supervisors in the Fredericksburg area opted out of the trip for varying reasons. Spotsylvania County, for instance, discontinued its NACO membership last year.


Stafford and Caroline counties will pay $415 for the conference registration for their supervisors, plus costs for meals and transportation. Caroline’s supervisors will fly on economy seats for $740 each. Stafford officials were still unsure about travel costs yesterday.


Officials in both counties said they could not verify hotel costs, which range from $179 to $295, according to an online hotel reservation form for attendees.

Advertisements for one of the hotels, The Royal Hawaiian, state that “the beach is at the guest’s disposal.” But supervisors say they’ll spend most of the day in conferences, soaking up information instead of rays.


Still, Caroline’s decision to fund the trip could pose political risks. Some residents have criticized supervisors for considering a 2 percent gas tax to fund transportation improvements.

Supervisors said the county’s road needs cost much more than a trip to Hawaii.

“You’re not going to pave roads for $3,500,” Taylor said.

Really? Then why does your own budget say that $12,703 was spent on travel expenses, along with $1,411 for the NACO membership, and $2,943 for “meals and food supplies”? Can you pave roads with $17,057?

Caroline supervisors voted 4-1 last night to rezone a 377-acre farm to allow the State Fair to move to the county by 2007.


Jayne Massie, who lives in the Reedy Church District, said she is worried about traffic backups on State Route 30. Fair officials say most traffic will come from Interstate 95, but Massie disagreed.


“The worksheet indicated that the State Fair’s move to Meadow Farm may not be a direct revenue generator for the county, but it should not be a source significant cost either,” Sieg said.

But Sieg’s numbers don’t include Sheriff Tony Lippa’s projected financial impact on his department. Lippa urged the board to delay a vote on the fair.

“If we should have an event that includes mutual aid, who’s gonna reimburse us?” he asked.

Lippa also thought he and Fire and Rescue Director Ed Fuzy should have power to sign off on security plans for all fair events.

“You’re going to give up control if you don’t have that condition in there,” he said.

Richmond Times-Dispatch election coverage:

From Richmond Times-Dispatch: Law enforcement gets attention in Caroline:

Law and order are generating a lot of talk on the campaign trail in Caroline County.

Two candidates hope to unseat Sheriff A.A. “Tony” Lippa Jr. on Tuesday, while Commonwealth’s Attorney Harvey Latney Jr. faces his first opponent in nearly 30 years.

In the sheriff’s race, Homer G. Johnson wants to reclaim the position he lost to Lippa four years ago. Johnson, running as a Democrat, was sheriff for 12 years. Also in the race is Jack E. Braxton Jr., a career law-enforcement officer who, like Lippa, is running as an independent.

Johnson, who started his career as a Caroline deputy in 1971, said that if elected again, he would focus his efforts more on criminal investigations than traffic enforcement.

“The sheriff’s office needs to be more than just a traffic commission,” he said.

Then why did your platform summary in 2003 include the following: “to expand traffic control programs”?

Johnson also said he wants to get ahead of illegal immigration in the county before it becomes a problem, and that deputies should be county residents.

And you’ll tell your deputies they better stop their schooling!

Lippa, a longtime Caroline resident who was a Henrico County police officer before serving 24 years with Virginia State Police, says he has markedly increased the professionalism of the department. He cites his efforts to win accreditation and certification for the department, as well as starting programs such as Project Livesaver, which helps the department track memory-impaired individuals who might wander from home.

Lippa takes issue with Johnson’s contention that crime has increased in Caroline during the past four years. Lippa says deputies in his administration have arrested more people than did deputies under Johnson.

“Our men and women have gone out and been proactive,” Lippa said.

Braxton, who served with the Washington police and U.S. Marshals Service, said he wants to seek funding to increase hiring, buy equipment and improve training.

Braxton, who moved back to Caroline in 2006, also wants to start a Crime Solvers reward fund — he has pledged $10,000 from his salary if elected — and says he would form a community advisory commission and meet with it regularly.

Lippa says he already has civilian and business advisory teams, to which Braxton replies, “If he does, he must be keeping it a good secret.”

How the hell would you know? You only moved back to the county in 2006! And you still stay in Maryland half the time!

. . .

In the race for commonwealth’s attorney, challenger Anthony G. “Tony” Spencer pledges to be a full-time prosecutor. A former deputy prosecutor in Richmond, he accuses Latney, who holds the position on a part-time basis, of agreeing to dismiss or reduce too many cases.

Spencer, who grew up in Caroline and recently moved back to the county, also notes that several defense attorneys, some of whom oppose Latney in court, have contributed to Latney’s re-election campaign.

“Follow the money, you’ll see” who wants whom to be elected, said Spencer, who is running as an independent.

Latney, a Democrat, says the charges are without merit. He says Spencer does not know the reasons behind case dismissals. And Latney says he is able to handle Caroline’s criminal docket while he maintains his private law practice in Richmond.

How’s that Virginia State Bar investigation going? How about that lawsuit against you from the family of Florence Williams?

As for defense attorneys contributing to his campaign, Latney says, “My friends are people in the legal profession. They have contributed to me because they believe I do a good job for the community. That’s all it is. Period.”

“And I think, too, that I can say that in my years of public life, that I welcome this kind of examination because people have got to know whether or not their [Commonwealth’s Attorney]’s a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. I’ve earned everything I’ve got.” -Paraphrase of Richard Nixon.

Famous last words…

. . .

The election also features a contest for Circuit Court clerk between Republican incumbent Ray S. Campbell Jr., who says he would like to improve technology use by electronically recording deeds and scanning case files, and General District Court Clerk Terry Southworth, an independent who says she would like to improve customer service and organization of the Circuit Court clerk’s office.

Figured out how to comply with state law about the issuing of concealed handgun permits yet Ray?

In contests for the Board of Supervisors, recruiting businesses and keeping watch over residential growth are big issues, and two challengers are trying again to unseat incumbents to whom they lost in 2003.

John C. Green, a paramedic, is again taking on Wayne A. Acors, who has held the Madison District seat for 20 years. Republican Bobby J. Popowicz Jr., a bank loan officer, is again trying to unseat Calvin B. Taylor Sr., the Port Royal District supervisor since 1992.

Three candidates are vying for the seat being vacated by longtime Bowling Green District Supervisor Robert W. Farmer. Republican Jeff Sili, who has served on the School Board, will try again — he lost a bid in 2003. He faces George L. Spaulding Jr., a longtime School Board member, coach and educator, as well as Damon L. Gray Sr., a building contractor.

Democrat Floyd W. Thomas, who has held the Mattaponi District seat since 1992, faces challenger William O. “Bill” Pickett, operations manager at a local lumber company. Current Chairman David M. “Maxie” Rozell Jr. is unopposed in the Reedy Church District.

Yes, I know, it’s unfortunate, isn’t it?

Two of five School Board seats are challenged: Kerry L. Bischoff faces Tamara Lyn “Tami” Redding for the open Bowling Green District seat, while Chairman William A. “Bill” Anderson faces challenger Bruce J. Levy.

Even more fraud from Homer Johnson

From Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary [emphasis mine]:

Main Entry: fraud
Function: noun

1 a: deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b: an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick

2 a: a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor; also : one who defrauds : cheat b: one that is not what it seems or is represented to be

Necessary reading before hand: Homer’s ad on B5 of the October 31, 2007, of The Caroline Progress. It’s ironically placed below a story about a haunted house and the ad is pretty damn scary.

Your claim regarding conservators of the peace is an outright lie, from § 19.2-13:

Upon the application of any sheriff or chief of police of any county, city, town or any corporation authorized to do business in the Commonwealth or the owner, proprietor or authorized custodian of any place within the Commonwealth and the showing of a necessity for the security of property or the peace, a circuit court judge of any county or city, in his discretion, may appoint one or more special conservators of the peace who shall serve as such for such length of time as the court may designate, but not exceeding four years under any one appointment.

The sheriff doesn’t have to do anything with the application you fraud! If you support security companies, Homer, why is it that Wackenhut Corporation, a private security company, has donated $1,400 to Sheriff Lippa’s campaign? I don’t see any donations from security companies or security personnel in your campaign documents!

And you say “I stand by what I have said”. You mean the following lies?:

Year: Claimed: As Reported to the FBI:
1992 65% 65%
1993 73% 72%
1994 75% 75%
1995 86% 86%
1996 83% 84%
1997 88% 87%
1998 91% 91%
1999 90% 72%
2000 93% 69%
2001 91% 61%
2002 94% 55%
2003 90% 59%

Why the decrease starting in 1999? Well, starting in 1999, the Commonwealth of Virginia required agencies to submit data in incident base format (with details about every crime) instead of monthly tally sheets as had been done before. As for his claimed 91% solve rate in 1998 and before, it’s completely bogus. For five years, he claimed he solved 100% of the rapes that were reported to the sheriff’s office. The national solve rate for rape is only 41.3%. He claims he solved 91.46% of the larcenies that occurred in 1998. How did he accomplish this when the national solve rate for larcenies is only 18.0%? Are we to believe that Homer Johnson is, in fact, the dark knight, the caped crusader, Batman?

If Homer was the master of criminal investigation, why isn’t he the police chief for the Richmond Police Department or the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, instead of working at the local Q-Mart?

More crap from his ad:

About the addendum cards, they were used for information only. Addendum cards contain information from citizens who called in to report something out of the ordinary to the Sheriff’s Office. For example, a citizen would call the Sheriff’s Office to say that someone had drove off the road and ran into their fence, or that someone had thrown trash in the woods on their property. Addendum cards had nothing to do with any on-going active cases.

So, misdemeanor or felony destruction of property doesn’t get investigated by your sheriff’s office? Trepassing and littering doesn’t either? I’m still waiting on you to find out who smashed up my family’s mailbox and the mailboxes of pretty much everyone on my road. No deputy responded, explain that, would you? Did those dozen mailboxes end up on addendum cards too?

And Homer, where do you get the nerve to refer to Sheriff Lippa as “Mr. Lippa”? Just because he beat you with 66% of the vote when you were a twelve year incumbent?

And you have the gall to refer yourself as “Sheriff Homer G. Johnson, ret.”? Is it considered retirement when you only receive 33% of the vote as a twelve year incumbent? I think that’s called being the laughing stock of the county!

And you claim that “[Sheriff] Mr. Lippa is slamming some of the finest record keepers of the Caroline Sheriff’s Department had”. First, it’s a sheriff’s office, something you should know since you were sheriff for twelve years (yes, I know, you spent most of the time at the New Yorker). Second, Lippa isn’t slamming the record keepers, he’s slamming you and your policies. I’ve heard from several of your own personnel that they were not supposed to take reports on stolen items that were covered by insurance. Explain that, would you? How about your claim in a telephone call that you prioritized cases so they would be cleared by the time crime reports were due instead of the actual importance of the case?

You claim to have hired the first African-American deputy? Funny, the information I’ve seen says that he was hired by Ottie J. Moore.

As for your “open door” policy, is that the same open door policy that you used to flee from questions at the Caroline County Constitutional Officers Candidates’ Forum? “I have to go to the bathroom”. He goes in and comes out after five seconds (did you wash your hands?) and then runs through the nearest open door to get away from questions! And he has to get his wife to talk to the people! I heard you did the same thing at the Lake Caroline forum too!

Another claim:

Continuing the battle against drugs, utilizing all available sources and seeking grants

Really? Then why have drug distribution arrests more than doubled since Lippa became sheriff? Why was it that Caroline County from 1996-1998 was ranked 128th out of 132 jurisdictions for arrests for the sale of narcotics?

Another claim:

Being more than just a “traffic division”

Really? Then why did your platform summary in 2003 include the following: “to expand traffic control programs”? I didn’t know you could expand traffic control beyond having a deputy at every cut-through on Route 301 like you used to have Homer. I can get a deputy when I need one now Homer unlike when my neighbor died and his widow and another neighbor were told all your deputies were on I-95!

Is there anything you won’t lie about? The convicted drug user support and the convicted felon support maybe?

Bill Pickett NOT for gas tax increase

From an email exchange [emphasis mine]:

Please understand that I am not for any new taxes! I was asked the question at a meet what avenues would I look at if the county needed more revenue.

For example, if there was an emergency need for additional revenue.


Our county needs to be run as a business. I come from a business/production (productive) back ground. I believe in running a lean organization. We must have a strong administration.

I care about our county.

William O. “Bill” Pickett

Mattaponi Board of Supervisors



  • To make absolutely certain that the tax dollars that go to our school system are spent wisely. Last year I had the opportunity to visit the “building class” several times at Caroline High School. A class of about 30 had little to no materials. We also need a tolerance level established and enforced. We cannot expect our children to be taught properly without giving our teachers the proper tools.
  • Review budgets in detail to avoid unnecessary spending. I do not believe we are getting a “bang for our buck”. The right Priorities must be established and followed.
  • Review future planned projects and developments carefully so they will thrive and not become a burden to residents or create traffic congestion at the present or in the future. Spend a little time at the Carmel Church intersection and you will see what I mean. Now it is going to cost several million in state tax dollars to clean up this mess and Ladysmith is headed in the same direction! It is inevitable that this county will continue to grow as we provide necessary utilities but schools and community need to come first. We must properly plan at the front end now.
  • Provide assistance to our law enforcement agency, to keep our neighborhoods free of crime and corruption. Provide our fire and rescue stations with additional man power to cover the growth rate.
  • Use available resources to keep Caroline clean. Tax dollars are collected for keeping our county clean, but it seems they are not being utilized. I personally like my neighbor hood clean.
  • We must have a strong County Administration to make sure all county funded departments are performing. These folks work for you and I. A properly managed county will thrive, but most of all Caroline will be a place we are proud to call home.
  • Please vote for me this coming November, One person can make a difference!

Update on Shelia Boone

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Woman pleads guilty to fraud [emphasis mine throughout]:

Shelia Mae Boone pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of federal bank fraud for writing one $1,000 check to herself on the account of the lawyer for whom she worked.

That lawyer is Harvey Latney Jr., who works part time as the commonwealth’s attorney in Caroline County in addition to his private law practice. Boone was his only employee.

U.S. District Court documents on Boone describe a period of at least two years when she was forging checks on bank accounts set up by Latney for money he was holding for clients and estates he was handling.

The single-check bank fraud charge replaces the three original counts against the 49-year-old Caroline resident — one of identity theft and two of bank fraud for allegedly forging two checks, one for $86,786.54 and the other for $185,000.

A statement filed with her guilty plea yesterday states that she stole a total of $92,930.42, including the $1,000. That leaves at least $178,000 not accounted for by Boone’s plea agreement or statement.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael R. Gill declined to comment on the case.

So, where’s the money?

Boone’s lawyer, Arnold Henderson, said he agreed with federal prosecutors that the single bank-fraud count “was the appropriate charge to bring” against his client.

“I don’t know what’s truly missing from Mr. Latney’s accounts,” Henderson said. “My investigation does not reveal that Ms. Boone had any involvement above [the $92,930.82].”

Well, that answered my question…

George Chabalewski, counsel for the Virginia State Bar, confirmed last month that the bar has opened an investigation of Latney because of the missing money. Chabalewski would not say who initiated the bar complaint or provide other details.

Craig S. Cooley, the lawyer representing Latney in the State Bar complaint, said no suggestion of impropriety or dishonesty by Latney has emerged in that investigation or information developed in the Richmond Circuit Court case against Boone. The Richmond charges were dropped in favor of the federal case.

Good one, Harvey. Get the guy that beat you in a murder case to represent you before the bar. How’s that reimbursement fund going Craig?

Cooley said Boone stole from Latney and from some of his clients.

“Her responsibility is substantially more than $93,000,” Cooley said.

And John Ames acted in self-defense when he confronted someone with two firearms and shot the person four times, right?

Boone’s statement says she wrote a number of checks on Latney’s bank accounts without his authorization or knowledge. She deposited some of the checks and cashed others, all for her personal use.

The two checks she was initially charged with forging were deposited into her account. Both were drawn on an account holding funds from the estate of Florence C. Williams, who died in 2002. Latney was the executor of the estate.

Members of the Williams family had been complaining at least since last year about how long Latney was taking to settle the estate. One of the city’s commissioners of accounts started looking into the complaints and eventually discovered money was missing.

Authorities have said they believe Boone kept Latney in the dark by erasing voicemail messages left for him by the commissioner of accounts, by accepting summonses to court on Latney’s behalf and not telling him about them and by writing letters forged with his signature in response to questions about the Williams estate.

Bank fraud carries a maximum possible sentence of 30 years, but Boone’s penalty is likely to be less when she is sentenced Feb. 8 by U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson.

A convicted drug user supports Harvey Latney (and Homer Johnson, Maxie Rozell, and Calvin Taylor)

No big surprise there, right?

Pamela Joan Mastropaolo (also a shoplifter extraordinaire), pled guilty to a felony charge of obtaining drugs by fraud (§ 18.2-258.1) in Henrico County Circuit Court. It was latter reduced to a misdemeanor charge of obtaining drugs by fraud.

She was still on probation from her previous shoplifting escapades however no show cause was issued in Williamsburg/James City County Circuit Court for violation of probation. I’m sure that had nothing to do with the fact that the Commonwealth’s Attorney in Williams/James City County is a Democrat and Pamela Mastropaolo and her husband Michael happen to be big Democratic contributors, right?

She’s also working as Latney’s campaign manager. She’s also going around claiming to be a reporter at the Richmond Times-Dispatch. According to a phone call to the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s office, she no longer works there. So, who am I to trust? The person that has pled guilty to two felonies already, or the person I talked to at the Richmond Times-Dispatch?

Also, according to Latney’s most recent campaign finance report the address given for Pamela Mastropaolo is:

1417 Brook Road
Richmond, VA 23220

That just happens to be the address for Harvey Latney’s office.

So Harvey, why do you have someone that has twice pled guilty to felonies in your office and helping on your campaign?

So Homer, are you going to stop having a convicted drug user and shoplifter hand out signs for you? Oh wait, you’re already the convicted felon choice for sheriff…

So Maxie, are you going to return that campaign contribution?

So Calvin, ditto on the campaign contribution?

Pamela Mastropaolo helping to hand out signs for Homer Johnson, Harvey Latney, and Calvin Taylor at the Frog Level Harvest Festival.

Pamela Mastropaolo (center, in the tent on the right) chatting with Maxie Rozell (right, in the tent on the right) at the Frog Level Harvest Festival.


PDF of Pamela Mastropaolo’s sentencing order [social security number and date of birth redacted].

pdficon_small PDF of Harvey Latney’s most recent campaign contributions.

Shelia Boone to plead guilty

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Ex-secretary to plead guilty to embezzlement:

Shelia Mae Boone, accused of embezzling thousands from a dead woman’s estate through the lawyer she worked for, is scheduled to plead guilty today in federal court.

The lawyer she worked for, Harvey Latney Jr., works part time as the commonwealth’s attorney of Caroline County.

Boone, a Caroline resident, had been scheduled for trial next week. She was indicted in August by a federal grand jury on two counts of bank fraud and one of aggravated identity theft.

She is scheduled to plead guilty under the terms of an agreement with federal prosecutors.

The indictment alleges that she deposited two forged checks into a Wachovia Bank account, one written for $86,786.54 in September 2002 and one for $185,000 in January 2005.

Both checks were drawn on an account holding money from the estate of Florence C. Williams, who died in 2002.

Latney was the executor of the estate. Boone was the only employee in Latney’s law practice in Richmond.

Boone is charged with bank fraud for the two alleged forged checks and with identity theft for allegedly using Williams’ name on them.

Authorities said Latney was “totally taken aback” when authorities discovered the missing money. That was after authorities started to investigate complaints from the Williams family about how long it was taking to settle the $420,000 estate.

Authorities have said they believe Boone kept Latney from seeing letters about the Williams estate and replied to some of them herself, forging Latney’s signature. They think she erased some voice-mail telephone messages and accepted court summonses for Latney without telling him.

UPDATE: From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Lawyer’s aide pleads guilty to fraud:

Shelia Mae Boone pleaded guilty this afternoon to one count of bank fraud for embezzling money from an escrow account kept by Harvey Latney Jr., the lawyer she worked for.

Latney, besides having a private law practice, works part-time as commonwealth’s attorney for Caroline County.

Boone, 49, of Caroline, was charged in U.S. District Court with two counts of bank fraud and with one of agravated identity theft.

Under her agreement with the U.S. attorney, Boone pleaded to the single count and stipulated that the loss from her fraudulent actions is $92,930.42.

Boone, who was the only employee in Latney’s law practice, admitted writing checks drawn on Latney’s bank accounts maintained for clients. The activity started in 2004 and lasted at least until November 2006.

The maximum possible prison term for bank fraud is 30 years. Boone’s penalty will likely be much less at her sentencing, scheduled for Feb. 8.

Nice to see the mental health system has improved in Virginia…

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Slaying suspect was off his meds:

The man police say stabbed a 70-year-old woman to death in Richmond on Saturday morning suffered from a schizophrenic condition and had not been taking his court-ordered medication, according to a law-enforcement source.

The source also said suspect Johnny F. Hughes, 52, was charged with attempted murder in the mid-1990s but was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Court records indicate that Hughes was convicted in June of carrying a concealed weapon. He was sentenced to seven months in jail, with six months suspended.

The court ordered Hughes to take anti-psychotic medicine, the source said, and he was to be monitored by the Richmond Behavioral Health Authority. Attempts to reach the authority yesterday were unsuccessful.

Less than five months after his conviction, Hughes encountered Susanne L. Thompson on Saturday shortly before 9 a.m. as she walked her dog on West Broad Street near the Department of Motor Vehicles’ main offices. Moments later, she was dead, stabbed multiple times with a large pocketknife.