The Board of Supervisors still can’t find anything more important to do…

Than requiring building permits for fencing?! And then lying about it!

Click the thumbnail for a bigger image:

And it’s amazing how they have the nerve to lie on their own agenda:

TXT-17-2007: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF CAROLINE COUNTY BY AMENDING ARTICLE XV, SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS, BY REPEALING AND REPLACING SECTION 2, FENCES, WALLS AND HEDGES. The purpose of this zoning ordinance text amendment is allow for fences in the front yards that exceed 3 feet in height in the Rural Preservation and Agricultural Preservation zoning districts. (First Reading)

They fail to note the requirement for building permits, but I’m sure that just skipped their minds, right?

And now some guess commentary from the person that alerted me to this outright stupidity:

The problem is there will always be unintended consequences with something like this. I met a couple at a BOS meeting who can’t build a barn for their horses in their field because their field is in front of their house. The County should not be distinguishing between front and back yards in agricultural areas (AP & RP).

What if your fence is next to a steep hill or another place where the animals can get up high? No problem, as long as you dish out the $100/$200 for the building permit to get over six feet and the $1000 for the special exemption permit to get over seven feet.

I asked the Planning Dept. about the fees and they said they won’t know until next year (after the ordinance is passed of course).

The meeting on this idiocy will be November 15th (not the 13th!) and should take place after public comments (which are done at 7:30 P.M.). So if you have to come late, at least come, and let the Board know that they’re a bunch of idiots!

What a mook… (Not Robert Wittman! Part 2)

UPDATE: Hi, to all the folks from Raising Kaine and VB Dems. Note: Most of the rest of the stuff on this blog will probably bore you to death (unless you live in Caroline County!).

From Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary [emphasis mine]:

Main Entry: mook

Function: nounslang : a foolish, insignificant, or contemptible person

Delegates, what the hell were you thinking? You nominate this mook, Robert Wittman? What the hell has this guy ever done?

Director of field operations, Division of Shellfish Sanitation? What the hell?

You turn down the retired firefighter (Chuck Davis), the retired FBI agent and Marine (David Corderman), the retired 20-year military veteran (Jim Browden) for this guy?!

What has he done besides get local party officials to endorse him that then run a crooked mass meeting for him?

I’m sure that crooked mass meeting had nothing to do with the following, from The Free Lance-Star: Wittman seeking Davis’ seat:

Wittman said he would step down from his House seat and help find a Republican candidate to fill it, if he wins the congressional seat.

And guess what? The Republicans have lost another seat in the House of Delegates in the mean time! From The Free Lance-Star: Wittman wins district nod:

If Wittman wins, there will be yet another special election to fill his seat. That’s likely to be set by House Speaker Bill Howell, and it’s not yet clear whether it would run afoul of a state law prohibiting elections in the 60 days before a primary–in this case, the presidential primaries in February.

It’s possible Wittman’s seat, which covers the Northern Neck, would be empty during the 2008 legislative session.


In a speech to delegates, Jost supporter Del. Jeff Frederick earned some boos from Wittman supporters for saying Wittman had supported “one of the largest tax increases in Virginia” and that delegates should remember that.

Don’t forget the abusive driver fees!

And further proof this guy is an ass, from his biography:

Rob was elected to the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors in 1995, where he was the chair from 2004 [through 2005] until he resigned to fulfill his role as delegate.

Well, consider the following, from The Free Lance-Star: Westmoreland faces civil action:

A civil-liberties group and a state agency have raised possibilities of legal action against Westmoreland County for failing to provide handicapped access to public buildings.

In a letter sent Monday, an attorney for the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy charged that the county had not complied with all terms of a 2003 settlement agreement to provide handicapped access to the George D. English Sr. Memorial Office Building in Montross.

“It is my hope we can bring this matter to a swift conclusion without the need for litigation,” wrote VOPA Managing Attorney Jonathan G. Martinis. “After three years, Westmoreland County owes its citizens with disabilities nothing less.”

On Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia notified the county that it intends to file a lawsuit under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act unless the county promptly provides handicapped access to the offices of the Circuit Court clerk.

County Administrator Norm Risavi said that a team composed of a professional engineer, a building inspector and the county’s maintenance supervisor inspected all county buildings yesterday for ADA compliance.

Risavi said he hoped to have a plan and a budget for ADA projects ready for approval by the Board of Supervisors at its April 10 meeting. A supplemental appropriation by the supervisors may be necessary to fund the work, he said.

Risavi would not estimate when the various ramps, curb cuts, bathroom renovations and signage would be installed.

He said some of the work could be done by county staff, but other jobs would be put out for bids under the county Procurement and Contract Administration Policy.

But last year, Risavi waived bid requirements for renovating the old courthouse’s second floor as an office for Circuit Court Judge George Mason III.

“I have determined that competitive sealed bidding would not be practicable or fiscally advantageous to the county,” Risavi wrote in a finding on the judge’s office. “Competitive negotiations would better serve the county.”

Last year, the judge’s office was expected to cost $100,000. Now, Risavi said it will cost $140,000.

Crookery isn’t just for Caroline County!

A story in the March 15 Free Lance-Star attracted the attention of both the ACLU and VOPA, Willis and Martinis said. The story described Mason’s expensive office and problems of handicapped accessibility at it and other county buildings

“This is almost hard to believe,” said Willis.

“It’s bad enough to flaunt the law by ignoring the rights of disabled persons, but it is an outright affront to human decency to spend more than $100,000 to renovate a building without adding something as simple and inexpensive as ramps that rise 3 feet.”

In a March 17 letter to Gayle Harding, a wheelchair-bound resident of Coles Point, Martinis said he had sent a VOPA paralegal to survey the English Building and the old courthouse 200 yards away.

Harding complained to the county and VOPA in 2000 about accessibility problems at the English Building. In April 2003, the county finally agreed to fix them.

It only took you guys over six years to do it!

“What, me worry?”

Martinis gave the county five days to notify VOPA “how Westmoreland County will rectify these violations of state and federal law.”

(Hat tip: Tom James’s Caroline County, VA JUSTICE Blog)

For Christ’s sake, I’m writing-in James Bowden (or not voting at all)!

Philip Forgit gets Democratic nomination for 1st Congressional District

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Democrats nominate Forgit for 1st District:

Philip Forgit of Williamsburg, an Iraqi war veteran and former school teacher, won the Democratic nomination today to run for the lst District seat in Congress.

Forgit defeated Ted Hontz, a King George County businessman, at a convention in Williamsburg.

Forgit will run against the winner of a Republican convention, which is being held today in Caroline County.

The winner will succeed Rep. Jo Ann Davis of Gloucester, a Republican who died last month.

The special election will be held Dec. 11.

Not Robert Wittman!

From the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL): Election shenanigans in 1st Cong. Dist!:

VCDL does not normally get involved in Federal elections but the process that appears to be ongoing in selecting the Republican nominee to replace the recently deceased Congress woman in the First Congressional District needs to be addressed.

Delegate Dick Black, who was one of our strongest supporters when he was in the Virginia Legislature, has informed us about the shocking shenanigans that are going on in the First Congressional District.

The problems are coming up in the secretive and often difficult process that is being used in selecting the delegates for the convention.

On November 3rd, Del. Black attended one in Caroline County.  It was at an unmarked location down a gravel road in the woods.  A steel gate marked with “No Trespassing” signs blocked the road.  The meeting was scheduled for 9:00 am, but they secretly held it an hour early and you couldn’t enter the meeting without violating the Virginia Code on criminal trespass.

They  elected nine delegates for Del. Rob Whitman, who avoided the meeting even though it was in his own district.

Wittman didn’t need to attend, all the other crooks holding the meeting made up for him not being there!

It gets even stranger: when Paul Jost, another candidate, showed up and asked why the meeting was held early, a woman helping to run the meeting apparently yelled at him using profanities and she had to be restrained!

We need to shine light of Democracy on what is going on and we also need our pro-gun members to attend these rapidly scheduled meetings and sign up as delegates in the convention.  It appears that the process currently in place would be more appropriate in Soviet Russia.


As citizens we have a choice – get run over or stand up for our rights.

Preach brother!

Getting run over is NOT an option as it makes a mockery of this great country.  Let’s stand up and make sure our voices are heard!

In some locations they are making it difficult, hoping that citizens won’t go through the trouble to become delegates.  They aren’t planning on YOU, though.


A comment left on Renaissance Ruminations blog:

David Says:
November 9th, 2007 at 10:36 pm

From the RPV’s “Handbook for Mass Meetings, Conventions and Party Canvasses”:
“All mass meetings must be held in a public place. Frequently, mass meetings are held in public school auditoriums, council chambers, courtrooms, town halls, civic centers, libraries, etc. A private home is not allowed. A commercial space may be appropriate if it is also used for other public functions (such as a bank auditorium).” A private airplane hangar on someone’s private property seems highly suspect. But starting before the time stated in the Call is just plain wrong.

Jeff Sili violating campaign laws?

From The Free Lance-Star: Web sites investigated in Orange:

The Virginia State Police is investigating two Web sites that are named for Orange County Board of Supervisors candidates but turn out to criticize them.

Commonwealth’s Attorney Diana Wheeler called in state investigators to determine who posted the sites, which appear to be in violation of state laws that require that all campaign advertising disclose who’s paying for it.

Well, take a look at the following sites:

UPDATE: He has since added a disclaimer to this page, here’s a link to a Google Cache of the old version.

UPDATE: He has since added a disclaimer to this page, here’s a link to a Google Cache of the old version.

Notice something missing from these sites, like who paid for them?

Well take a look at the WhoIs information for the domain from

Susan Sili
205 Travis Street
Bowling Green, Virginia 22427
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 02-Feb-07
Expires on: 02-Feb-08
Last Updated on: 02-Feb-07

That would Jeff Sili’s wife, Susan, by the way.

Also, Sili’s campaign spent $570.00 for the website according to his campaign finance documents for this election!

So, where’s the disclaimer?

“Rules? What rules?”

pdficon_small PDF of two pages from Sili’s campaign finance reports.

Ah, I forgot to thank someone…

You, Governor Kaine!

You decided to stick your nose in local politics and send out letters supporting Harvey Latney to Democrats.

I’m sure that sat well with people in Caroline County! Nothing like someone fifty miles away with no idea of what’s going on in a locale endorsing someone!

If anyone has a copy of the letter they’re willing to supply to me, send me an email at or use my contact me page.


Conflict of interest? What’s that? …Seriously?

From The Journal Press: Government Officials and Republican Leaders Endorse Rob Wittman for Congress:

Twenty-six local elected officials from counties in the First Congressional District have endorsed Delegate Rob Wittman of Westmoreland County in his bid for the Republican nomination for Congress. Every Republican county chairman in Delegate Wittman’s 99th Legislative District has also endorsed Wittman. The Republican Party will nominate its congressional candidate on Nov. 10 at a Party Convention in Caroline County. The special election is Dec. 11.


They are: Admiral Robert Fountain, Westmoreland County, Larry Kile, King George County, Jeff Sili, Caroline County, Joan Blackstone, Lancaster County, Allen Webb, Northumberland County, and Deborah Harper, Richmond County.

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: 13 seek nods for open seat in House:

The GOP contest already is mired in controversy. The Republican Party of Virginia is looking into complaints that the Caroline County Republican committee held an improper mass meeting Saturday.

The hastily called meeting was held in a private aircraft hangar near Sparta in rural Caroline and started before its scheduled starting time. Signs along the road leading to the landing field said “No Trespassing.” Representatives of two candidates complained it was over before they got there.

J.M. Sili, Caroline County GOP chairman who won election to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, said the hangar was one of the few places in the area large enough to accommodate a mass meeting. He said the no-trespassing signs were aimed at keeping hunters from parking on the landing field. Candidates were not allowed to speak, because there are too many, he said.

Sili acknowledged the meeting may have started before its scheduled time. Fifty-one people attended and elected nine delegates to tomorrow’s convention. The delegates are not pledged to any of the candidates, he said.

What about the top-tier Presidential candidate’s campaign that wasn’t able to find out what the time the meeting was supposed to happen due to your oh-so-great leadership Mr. Sili? Maybe if you had bothered updating the Caroline County GOP website since September 2006

Charles E. Judd, executive director of the state GOP, said party officials were trying to determine when the meeting was called to order and adjourned.

If the rules were not followed, the mass meeting could be voided, he said. But there is not time to hold another meeting and elect other delegates, Judd said.

Shaun Kenney, a spokesman for the state party, said the Caroline delegates’ credentials may be challenged at the convention.

A comment left on Renaissance Ruminations blog:

David Says:
November 9th, 2007 at 10:36 pm

From the RPV’s “Handbook for Mass Meetings, Conventions and Party Canvasses”:
“All mass meetings must be held in a public place. Frequently, mass meetings are held in public school auditoriums, council chambers, courtrooms, town halls, civic centers, libraries, etc. A private home is not allowed. A commercial space may be appropriate if it is also used for other public functions (such as a bank auditorium).” A private airplane hangar on someone’s private property seems highly suspect. But starting before the time stated in the Call is just plain wrong.

Port Royal precinct roundup

§ 24.2-310. Requirements for polling places:

E. It shall be permissible to distribute campaign materials on the election day on the property on which a polling place is located and outside of the building containing the polling place except as specifically prohibited by law including, without limitation, the prohibitions of § 24.2-604 and the establishment of the “Prohibited Area” within 40 feet of the entrance to a polling place.

§ 24.2-604. Prohibited activities at polls; notice of prohibited area; presence of representatives of parties or candidates; simulated elections; penalties; neutral observers; news media.

A. During the times the polls are open and ballots are being counted, it shall be unlawful for any person (i) to loiter or congregate within 40 feet of any entrance of any polling place; (ii) within such distance to give, tender, or exhibit any ballot, ticket, or other campaign material to any person or to solicit or in any manner attempt to influence any person in casting his vote; or (iii) to hinder or delay a qualified voter in entering or leaving a polling place.


E. The officers of election may require any person who is found by a majority of the officers present to be in violation of this section to remain outside of the prohibited area. Any person violating subsection A or D of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Apparently, the Harvey Latney supporters don’t seem to understand that. Mrs. Calvin Taylor and as identified to me, Latney’s uncle and aunt:

I guess the rules don’t apply to them.

They were told to move the sign once it was brought to the attention of the election officials (by the way, the sign on the right is one advertising the fire department as the polling place and not a sign for a candidate).

In other news, Robert Wittman (or one of his helpers) doesn’t know how to drive. A Jeep Cherokee with House of Delegates tag 99 (as in the 99th House of Delegates district) was seen flying through Port Royal at what appeared to be around 40 MPH (the speed limit once you turn off of Route 301 is 25 MPH). He was seen swerving around on the road as well.

And in closing, I would just like to say thanks to you Maxie Rozell and Pamela Mastropaolo!