More on Dominion’s new power line through Upper Caroline

The Free Lance-Star: Power company asks for new line:

This month Dominion Virginia Power will submit an application to the State Corporation Commission for approval to build a new transmission line in Caroline County.

A 250-foot right of way already exists for this new line from the Ladysmith Combustion Turbine site along Interstate 95 to the Bear Island-Fredericksburg line in Caroline County near Stonewall Jackson Road.


The Ladysmith-Possum Point line already exists in the right of way. The new line would enable Dominion to further provide for customers as population growth continues to increase rapidly in the state.


A Dominion open house at Upper Caroline Volunteer Fire Department Thursday night fielded questions and concerns from residents. Neddenien said the open house is one step in a lengthy process to get the line built.

If the SCC approves the new 230,000-volt line within the next year, construction would begin in Nov. 2009. The line would cover a distance of five miles and must be in service by May 2010 in order to meet forecasted growth and demand for electricity in the area.


Mike Finchum, director of planning in Caroline County, said that the county has planned for 11,000 plots of houses to be developed in the next 25 years. These plots are within housing subdivisions such as Ladysmith Village and Haymount.

“We don’t want to grow as fast as Spotsy or Stafford,” said Finchum.

How about you guys do some planning and figure out how 10,760 people living in Haymount are going to get around on the little ol’ two-lane “historical byway” of Route 17?

For details, visit and click on the power line projects link to the right.

Direct linkage: Ladysmith Combustion Turbine 230kV Line

Okay, joint Board of Supervisors/School Board worksession back to being on February 4th

They seem to be having trouble figuring out the day for some reason. First, it was the 4th as announced at the last Board of Supervisors meeting. Then it was the 5th according to the ticker on the county website. Now, it’s the 4th according to the February Message from the County Administrator:

The Board of Supervisors will hold its regular meetings this month on Tuesday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 26 at 6 p.m. at the Community Services Center. In addition, a joint worksession with the Caroline School Board will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, February 4 at the Community Services Center.

General Assembly comes through on full-time funding for Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office?

There had been a question of whether the state would fund the conversion process for the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office from part-time to full-time status this year.

Budget Amendment Item 73 #1h, #5h, #6h, #1s, #2s, #3s (sorry, can’t provide direct linkage):


(This amendment requests general funds to convert four part-time Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ offices to full-time status, in accordance with §15.2-1629, Code of Virginia. The amendment provides funding to convert the offices for Buckingham, Caroline, Charles City, and Middlesex counties to full-time status. Funding is needed a) to convert the salary of the Commonwealth’s Attorney to full-time; b) to convert the salary of the part-time administrative assistant to full-time; c) for additional office expense funding; and d) for start-up equipment costs in the first year.)

Let’s hope these amendments survive the budget process.

Thanks to Delegates Abbitt*, Hargrove, McClellan, Moran, Morgan*, Morrissey, Orrock, Peace, Putney*; and Senators Colgan*, Deeds, Marsh, McDougle*, McEachin, Stolle*.

*Indicates Chief Patron of an amendment

Delegate Peace is also Chief Patron of a budget amendment (Item 493 #198h) that would provide $50,000 to the Quin Rivers, Incorporated; which is a community action agency serving Charles City, New Kent, King William, King and Queen and Caroline counties.

Delegate Peace is Chief Patron of another budget amendment (Item 493 #226h) that would provide $25,000 for construction of the Dawn Library.

Spotsylvania deputy faces abuse charge in Caroline County

From The Free Lance-Star: Spotsylvania deputy faces abuse charge:

A Spotsylvania County sheriff’s deputy has been charged in Caroline County with sexually abusing a child.

Richard E. Lloyd Jr., 38, of Dawn is charged with aggravated sexual battery and taking indecent liberties with a child.

Spotsylvania Sheriff Howard Smith said Lloyd is on administrative leave from the office and that the issue was a personnel matter.

Lloyd was arrested Jan. 23 on the charges and was released from Pamunkey Regional Jail on a personal recognizance bond. The child is related to Lloyd, authorities said.

Caroline Sheriff Tony Lippa said Lloyd’s arrest stemmed from a call from the Department of Social Services requesting assistance.

Online court records show that Lloyd is set for a jury trial May 28 in Caroline County Circuit Court.

A special prosecutor from the Goochland County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office will be trying the case.

UPDATE: The article from The Caroline Progress.

And the Court of Appeals of Virginia opinion on the prior custody battle.

Sci-Fi Nerd Alert: Railgun tested at Dahlgren

From the AP via NBC4: Navy Puts ‘Railgun’ To Test In Va. Trial:

A futuristic weapon getting a trial run by the Navy demonstrated its destructive power at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren.

In the demonstration Thursday, engineers fired the electromagnetic railgun at what they said was a record power level: 10 megajoules.

Current Navy guns generate about 9 megajoules of muzzle energy.

Railguns use electromagnetic energy to launch projectiles long distances — more than 200 nautical miles.

Because the railgun uses electricity and not gunpowder to fire projectiles, it eliminates the possibility of explosions on ships.

The Navy hopes the railgun will eventually replace the standard 5-inch gun on its ships. The weapon isn’t expected to be deployed until at least 2020.

UPDATE #3: From the AP via FOXNews: Navy Tests High-Powered Electromagnetic Railgun:

[A joule is defined as the energy needed to produce one watt of electricity for one second.

The railgun tested Thursday actually has a capacity of 32 megajoules, but the Navy is slowly building up the energy level in a series of tests.

That’s a lot of power, but with a new series of electrically-powered ships coming on line, the Navy figures generating capacity will not be a problem.

According to the Navy, the railgun, when fully developed, will be able to launch solid projectiles at Mach 5, or about 3,700 mph.]

(H/t: Ace of Spades HQ) (one of the funniest blogs out there) for the FOXNews story.

UPDATE: Some video from Future Weapons (April 9, 2007) off of the Discovery Channel:


UPDATE #2: Some extended unclassified test footage from NSWC Dahlgren:


Weekly News Media Briefs – Week Ending January 26, 2008

From the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office: Weekly News Media Briefs – Week Ending January 26, 2008:

On January 23, 2008, Deputy C. M. Hall received a report of witness tampering. After investigating, Emonnie O. Crichlow, 20, of Ruther glen was charged with attempting to induce a witness to commit perjury. He was ordered held without bond and a court date of March 7, 2008 was set.

On January 24, 2008, Deputy W. D. Lipscomb responded to a property damage report in Ruther Glen. After investigating, a 13 year old juvenile was charged with shooting into an occupied vehicle and property damage. A 15 year old juvenile was charged with being an accessory after the fact. Both juveniles were released to their parents and court date information was unavailable.

On January 24, 2008, Deputy P. E. Ford responded to a residence in Bowling Green for an altercation. After investigating, Charles W. Clarke, 24, of Richmond was charged with being drunk in public. He was released on his own recognizance and a court date of March 5, 2008 was set.

On January 25, 2008, Deputy P. E. Ford stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction. After investigating, Thomas L. Martin, 65, of Bowling Green was charged with disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice. He was released on his own recognizance and a court date of February 1, 2008 was set.

On January 25, 2008, Deputy G. J. Hamilton stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction. After investigating, Terrance S. Mosley, 42, of Ruther Glen was charged with driving on a suspended driver’s license – 3rd offense. He was ordered held on a $2500 bond and an arraignment date of February 1, 2008 was set.

On January 26, 2008, Deputy C. S. Wooldridge responded to Causteau Street in Woodford, for a reported fight. After investigating, Ryan E. Harrie, 29, of Ruther Glen, was charged with malicious wounding, and misdemeanor possession of a scheduled IV controlled substance. Harrie is being held without bond and a February 1, 2008 court date was set.

On January 26, 2008, Deputy S. Mullane was investigating a suspicious vehicle at the Pilot Truck Stop. While conducting his investigation, Dutch the canine unit alerted to another vehicle. Upon further investigation, Charles C. Rowe, 29, of Knoxville, TN was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of a schedule IV drug (Valium). Rowe is being held on a $2500, secure bond pending an arraignment on February 1, 2008.

Caroline man tries, fails to smear Albert Pollard.

From The Free Lance-Star: Pollard should be more experienced than this!:

Pollard should be more experienced than this!

Many of us have noticed that large “Pollard” signs have suddenly appeared around the district.

On closer inspection, it appears that these signs have been recycled from the previous state Senate campaign, with the lower portion cut off.

There is nothing wrong with that. The problem is that in cutting off the bottom, those who posted the signs have also eliminated the mandatory authorization line, which must be part of any political advertising.

In Title 24.2 of the Code of Virginia, Chapter 9.5 includes instructions for including the statement “Paid for by [Name of candidate or campaign committee]” on campaign materials.

Those instructions also state that “any disclosure required by this section shall be displayed in a conspicuous manner.” Under 24.2-955.3 of the code, certain penalties are prescribed for violation of these laws.

These signs have begun to appear throughout the district. Just curious: How can someone with such vast experience in government service have overlooked such a simple requirement?

Jeff Gerau


Amazing job there getting it wrong.

From § 24.2-955:

The disclosure requirements of this chapter apply to any sponsor of an advertisement in the print media or on radio or television the cost or value of which constitutes an expenditure or contribution required to be disclosed under Chapter 9.3 (§ 24.2-945 et seq.) except that the disclosure requirements of this chapter do not apply to (i) an individual who makes independent expenditures aggregating less than $1,000 in an election cycle for a candidate or (ii) an individual who incurs expenses only with respect to a referendum.

From § 24.2-955.1:

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

“Advertisement” means any message appearing in the print media, on television, or on radio that constitutes a contribution or expenditure under Chapter 9.3 (§ 24.2-945 et seq.). “Advertisement” shall not include novelty items authorized by a candidate including, but not limited to, pens, pencils, magnets, and buttons to be attached to wearing apparel.


“Print media” means billboards, cards, newspapers, newspaper inserts, magazines, printed material disseminated through the mail, pamphlets, fliers, bumper stickers, periodicals, website, electronic mail, and outdoor advertising facilities. If a single print media advertisement consists of multiple pages, folds, or faces, the disclosure requirement of this section applies only to one page, fold, or face.

“Radio” means any radio broadcast station that is subject to the provisions of 47 U.S.C. §§ 315 and 317.


“Television” means any television broadcast station, cable television system, wireless-cable multipoint distribution system, satellite company, or telephone company transmitting video programming that is subject to the provisions of 47 U.S.C. §§ 315 and 317.

Nowhere does it say that campaign signs (with the exception of billboards) have to have disclaimers on them. You can, of course, put disclaimers on them if you want but you don’t have to.

No local candidate had disclaimer information on their campaign signs on the side of the road in the last general election.

When Robert Wittman was running for reelection for his 99th House of Delegates seat his signs did not have disclaimers either.

After the general election, when Wittman was running for the Republican nomination for the special election for Virginia’s 1st Congressional District and after he won the nomination: he reused the same signs — ones that didn’t have disclaimers on them.

If this is the best that Lee Anne Washington supporters can come up with, she’s really in trouble…

More on the telecommuting program

From :

Wireless telecommunication pilot program begins February 1

The Caroline County Board of Supervisors has teamed with Virginia Broadband on a pilot project to allow residents to telecommute from the Community Services Center located at 17202 Richmond Turnpike (adjacent to Bowling Green Primary School) in Bowling Green.

The details of the new service, initiated by Board Chairman Floyd Thomas, are as follows:

  • Available every Friday beginning February 1 from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. in a reserved room in the Community Services Center
  • Wireless Internet connections will be available
  • Partitions will be used to separate work areas and allow for privacy

The new program will be monitored throughout the month of February to determine the level of public interest. If there is sufficient interest and participation, the program will continue beyond February.

For more information, please contact Information Technology Manager J.P. Montague at 804 212-6011.

January 22, 2008 – Board of Supervisors meeting roundup





Added “I) Emergency Procurement – Videotaping” to the consent agenda and “Dominion Power Presentation” as the second item under Presentations/Reports.


Chairman Floyd Thomas announced that the county would start a trial telecommuting program at the Emergency Operations Center tentatively scheduled for every Friday in February. Details are still being worked out. Contact County Administrator Percy Ashcraft for more information.


Finance Accountant Clerk Blanche Johnson of the Finance Department and Firefighter/Medic Leigh Doucet of Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management were named Co-Employees of the Year.


  • Report from FRED Transit Manager

The county requested FRED put in for a grant that would pay for most of a bus route between Ladysmith and the VRE station in Fredericksburg. Locations for pickup in Caroline County are in the Ladysmith area (exact locations to be determined).

  • Dominion Power Presentation

Dominion Power is planning on building two new power turbines and a 450 kilovolt line in Upper Caroline. The Free Lance-Star has more [scroll down] and Dominion Power is holding an open house at Upper Caroline Volunteer Fire Department on January 31.

  • Update on Status of Lewis & Clark Elementary School Construction

The Free Lance-Star: Caroline school opening on hold

  • Presentation of FY 2008 Mid-Year Financial Report

Projected budget surplus if I heard correctly (see how long that lasts). Sales tax revenues are up 6%.


  • Education
  • Utilities/Public Works
  • Finance
  • Public Safety
  • Economic Development

Commissioner of Revenue Sharon Carter gave a presentation on the “Composite Index of Local Ability to Pay” which is used by the Commonwealth of Virginia to determine how much money each school district gets from the state. According to the formula used by the state, Caroline County is better able to pay for their schools than Spotsylvania County!


Because the formula uses the county’s true values of real estate that is assessed even if the property is exempt from real estate taxes!

Say like 22.2% of the county in this one area called “Fort A.P. Hill”!

And as required by the Constitution of Virginia: “All assessments of real estate and tangible personal property shall be at their fair market value” even if the property is exempted from taxation!

And before you ask, I doubt that Fort A.P. Hill brings that much money into the county: the base has a small amount of personnel that are permanently stationed there that would be spending their money in the county, there is a negligible civilian personnel (outside of force protection and fire/rescue) there compared to Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren, for example, that would bring in money either.

Bravo, General Assembly, Bravo.


  • Fredericksburg Regional Alliance – Board of Supervisors Representative

Sili nominated by Rozell, seconded by Acors: 5-0.

  • Industrial Development Authority (IDA) – Reedy Church District
  • Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging (RAAA) – Citizen Representative
  • Recreation Advisory Committee – Port Royal District
  • Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) – Mattaponi District
  • Green Government Commission

Sili nominated by Acors, seconded by Rozell: 5-0.

  • Committee of Governing Body Members

Popowicz nominated by Acors, seconded by Rozell: 5-0.

Sorry, didn’t catch the names for the other appointments.


A) Approval of Minutes

B) Approval of Warrants

C) Proposed Purchases Over $7,500

D) Review of Planning Commission Actions

E) Approval of Change Order #9 for Courthouse Renovation Project

F) Approval of Visitor Center Payment Request #12

G) Approval of Change Orders #17 and #18 for Visitor Center

H) Approval of Supplemental School Appropriations

I) Emergency Procurement – Videotaping



Two parents voiced their complaints regarding the plans to move students into Lewis & Clark Elementary School during the middle of the school year.

One citizen expressed concerns regarding his property values and safety concerns of having another power line run through his property with Dominion Power’s plans.

One citizen expressed concern over the (extremely stupid) regulations that the Planning Commission is considering.

Floyd Thomas tentively allowed public comments on the Ladysmith Sub Area Plan (which normally wouldn’t be allowed since it was on the agenda) but rescinded the courtesy after one citizen decided to read verbatim from a letter he had sent to the Board after being told not to do so.


Proposed Acquisition of Property by Condemnation (Ladysmith Solid Waste Convenience Site)

Moved to closed session at Ashcraft’s request.


Adoption of Ladysmith Sub Area Plan

Continued until the February 26th meeting. Public comments will be allowed at the February 12th meeting.


Renewal of Medical and Dental Insurance Coverage for the Period of March 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009

Approved. Popowicz proposed, Rozell seconded: 5-0.

Selection of Firm to Provide Executive Search Services

Search services needed due to vacant Finance Director position. Approved.

Proposed Establishment of Lieutenant Classification in the Department of Fire & Rescue

Position needed due to the increased amount of paid personnel (especially since Field Supervisor/Captain Brady Grim is still recovering from injuries sustained in a car accident). Approved.


  • Board/Staff Liaison Guidelines
  • Update on Radio System Upgrade (Voter Project)


Reminder about telecommuting program.



If I missed anything, leave a comment.

Next meeting: February 12, 2008.

There will be a joint Board of Supervisors/School Board meeting work session February 4th 5th at 6:30 pm at the Community Services Center to discuss education issues.

UPDATED: Charges against Lashawn Monroe certified

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Murder charge certified against Caroline man:

Felony charges were certified today to a Caroline County grand jury against Lashawn Monroe in the November slaying of Raquel Hunter.

Hunter’s body was found about 11 p.m. Nov. 10 on the ground outside the Madison Ruritan Club hall in Ladysmith. The hall had been rented for a birthday party for another teen.

Monroe, 22, is charged with murder and illegal use of a firearm.

Next stop: Grand jury.

Not sure if the charges will go to the special grand jury (not sure it has been formed yet) or if they will have to wait until April for the regular grand jury.

UPDATE: Richmond Times-Dispatch: Caroline murder trial advances:

A Ruther Glen man accused of killing a 16-year-old outside a birthday party on the night of November 10 had a murder charge against him certified by a judge to a grand jury today.

Lashawn Montque Monroe, 22, is charged in the death of Raquel (pronounced Rockwell) Tremain Hunter, 16, after a fight at the party at the Madison Ruritan Club in Ladysmith..

Party crashers, including Monroe, were ejected from the party, according to testimony in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court today. A melee ensued and the shooting took place about 11 p.m. in the Ruritan Club parking lot.

Javon Edwards, 18, testified that he saw “a big pile of people on top of each other,” including Hunter. He said he helped separate the fighters and noticed that Hunter “swung at somebody.”

He said he was standing next to Hunter when he heard a gunshot and saw a flash between Hunter and Monroe — and then watched Hunter slump to the ground.

Queried by Caroline County Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael M. Weise and defense attorney John L. Mahoney, Edwards said he could not say who fired the shot.

“The flash came from the front of who?” Weise asked Edwards.

“The defendant,” Edwards said.

Detective Travis Nutter testified when he began interviewing Monroe a few hours later, Monroe denied having a gun. Later, said Nutter, Monroe admitted that he took a handgun to the party and fired it.

Nutter testified that Monroe told him he saw a “friend and someone else in a confrontation” outside the Ruritan building and when he heard a shot, “he pulled his gun out and shot as he was running away.”

A state medical examiner, Shane Chittenden, testified that Hunter’s body bore three bullet wounds.