In Virginia, the elections never stop.

With the Virginia Presidential Primaries over and done with and Barack Obama and John McCain the winners, we can now look forward to the special election for the 99th House of Delegates District (empty since Rob Wittman won the special election for the 1st Congressional District after Jo Ann Davis’s death).

The 99th HOD special election will be on February 19th. The District includes all of King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland Counties. In Caroline County, it includes all of the Bowling Green District and all of the Port Royal Precinct. It also includes a couple dozen people in the Mattaponi District and the Woodford Precinct.

To find out what HOD district you’re in, consult your voter registration card, click here, or contact the Voter Registrar:

Danette Moen
109 County Street
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Phone: 804-633-9083
Fax: 804-633-0362

But that isn’t the end of the fun in Caroline County. On May 6th there will be town elections in Port Royal and Bowling Green. In Port Royal there will be an election for seven at large town council seats. The mayor will be appointed from within the town council. In Bowling Green there will be an election for seven at large town council seats and the position of mayor.

Lee Anne Washington (R) is either completely ignorant, or an outright liar; take your pick.

From Lee Anne Washington’s letter to The Free Lance-Star:

I know Virginians cannot tolerate illegal aliens receiving in-state college tuition, driver’s licenses, welfare, and state benefits. I pledge cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Remove these incentives for illegal aliens, and they’ll stop coming.


Like Rob Wittman, I’ll base my policy decisions on scientific evidence, not emotion and questionable anecdotes.


My proof?

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Bill to bar illegals at colleges advances:

All state public colleges and universities — even those with policies that do not prohibit enrolling undocumented students — charge out-of-state tuition to those students in accordance with state and federal law.

RT-D: Immigration bills advance:

Some schools say they do not admit undocumented students but do not verify legal residency status if the student claims to be a U.S. citizen on the application and pays out-of-state tuition.

RT-D: Education restrictions advance:

The [illegal] students may attend public K-12 schools and currently can attend several state colleges as long as they pay out-of-state tuition, which can be double or nearly triple the cost of in-state tuition.

RT-D: Colleges’ admittance of illegals opposed:

Undocumented students pay out-of-state tuition, which can be double and nearly triple the cost of in-state tuition.


As with other state schools, students would have to supply documentation of legal residence to be considered for in-state tuition or any kind of state or federal aid.

And finally, check out the hoops that you have to jump through to get in-state tuition (p. 3).


From the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles: Acceptable Documents:

To apply for a driver’s license, learner’s permit, commercial driver’s license (CDL), or CDL instruction permit you must bring two identification documents, one proof of legal presence, one proof of Virginia residency, and proof of your complete social security number (if you have been issued one). Anyone applying for a CDL or CDL instruction permit is required to provide a social security number. To apply for a photo identification (ID) card you must bring two identification documents, one proof of legal presence and one proof of Virginia residency.


All documents will be subject to verification, which may delay the issuance of your license, learner’s permit or photo identification card.

As for welfare benefits, from The Washington Post: Illegal Immigrants in Md. and Va. Out-Earn U.S. Peers, Study Says:

Randy Capps, a researcher at the nonpartisan Urban Institute who studies welfare use by immigrants and their children, said illegal immigrant families appear to be largely limiting themselves to programs such as subsidized school lunches and Medicaid. Regarding the program most commonly associated with welfare — cash assistance to needy families — fewer than 1 percent of illegal-immigrant households nationwide and in Maryland and Virginia use the benefit, compared with 3 percent of native households in Virginia, 5 percent of native households in Maryland and 5 percent nationwide.

It is completely reprehensible and unbecoming of anyone running for elected office to be so completely ignorant (or to lie) about the laws that they will be making.

She claims that she will “base [her] policy decisions on scientific evidence, not emotion and questionable anecdotes”, instead she decides to not tell the truth to people in the 99th District.

It’s not often that a candidate makes me vote against them, but Lee Anne Washington has just succeeded in accomplishing that.

Weekly News Media Briefs – Week Ending February 9, 2008

From the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office: Weekly News Media Briefs – Week Ending February 9, 2008:

On February 2, 2008, Deputy C. S. Wooldridge made a traffic stop.  Upon investigating, Janice E. Harden, 52, of Richmond City was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Chesterfield, and subsequently learned that she was in violation of parole back in Houston Co. GA.  She is being held without bond.  A February 29, 2008 trial date has been set.  Upon further investigation, Tracy Dean Atkins, 42, of Richmond City was found in possession of marijuana.  A trial date of February 29, 2008 was set.

On February 3, 2008, a checking detail was conducted at Rt. 301 and New Market Lane.  At which time Sgt. S. L. Cary detected an odor associated with marijuana coming from a vehicle.  Upon further investigation, Stephen M. Daigneault, 21, of Ayden, NC was charged with possession of marijuana.  A March 5, 2008 trial date has been set.

On February 3, 2008, Deputy D. W. Mundie stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation, after investigating, Lauren N. Hefele, 26, of Ruther Glen was charged with Driving under the influence.  A $1500 bond was set by the magistrate.

On February 5, 2008, Deputy T. P. Connolly while on patrol drove up on a vehicle that was in the ditch.  Upon investigating, Arthur E. Goodall, 69, of Doswell, was charged with Driving Under the Influence.  A February 13, 2008 court date has been set.

On February 5, 2008, Deputy C. M. Polliard, stopped a vehicle for speeding 73/55 mph zone.  Upon further investigation, Michael Thomas Stephens, 58, of Caret, VA was arrested for Driving Under the Influence.  He was held with out bond, an a trial date of March 28, 2008 was set.

On February 7, 2008, Deputy W. D. Lipscomb, stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. Upon further investigation, the driver, Burton Morris, 29, of Doswell was charged with possession of marijuana.  A March 21, 2008 court date was set.

On February 8, 2008, Deputy D. W. Mundie, stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation.  Upon further investigation, Romeo S. Patterson, 31, of Ruther Glen was charged with driving on a suspended license, possession of marijuana, and operating a vehicle with an expired state inspection sticker.  Trial has been set for March 5, 2008.

On February 8, 2008, Deputy F. L. Brennan was called to investigate a vandalism call.  Upon further investigation, Taiyana O. Samuels, 18, of Fredericksburg was arrested on a Felony-Embezzlement Warrant from Spotsylvania County.  A trial date of February 19, 2008 has been set in Spotsylvania.

Caroline County Sheriff’s Office Wrap Up

According to Sheriff Tony Lippa, Caroline Deputies made 7 drug arrests, 5 domestic violence arrests, 2 D.U.I arrests and 48 other criminal arrests during the past week.  The deputies served 243 civil papers, issued 243 traffic summonses, handled 6 motor vehicle crashes, responded to 28 alarm calls, and dealt with 3 juvenile offenders.  The Sheriff’s Office Communications Center dispatched 528 calls for service and handled 937 telephone inquiries.  The CCSO also logged 17 calls assisting outside agencies and had 285 self initiated calls.

Bill Clinton to appear at University of Mary Washington Monday

UPDATE #3: Post with video links here.

Details at Fred2Blue: Bill Clinton in Fredericksburg

UPDATE #1: Hillary Clinton’s Press Release: Join President Bill Clinton for a “Solutions for America” Town Hall in Fredericksburg!:


Monday, February 11, 2008 at 12:15 PM – 2:15 PM


University of Mary Washington – Great Hall, The Woodard Center
1301 College Ave
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
General Area:


Join President Bill Clinton for a “Solutions for America” Town Hall in Abingdon! Hillary Clinton has spent the past 35 years fighting for American families and she has real solutions to tackle the tough issues we’re facing. Join President Clinton in Abingdon to learn more about Hillary’s lifetime record of results.


Virginia For Hillary

LOL, looks like Hillary Clinton needs to fix her template press release since Abingdon is in Washington County, Virginia (southwestern Virginia).

UPDATE #2: The Clinton campaign has since updated their press release on their website and now says Fredericksburg instead of Abingdon.

Benefit for Yvonne Reedal at Port Royal Volunteer Fire Department raises $4,207.35

The benefit tonight at the Port Royal Volunteer Fire Department (PRVFD) for Yvonne Reedal, who is battling cancer, raised $4,207.35. In addition to the fish fry dinner, there was an auction and a raffle, along with additional donations from citizens.

Caroline County Sheriff Tony Lippa, Vice Chairman and Bowling Green District Supervisor Jeff Sili, Reedy Church Supervisor D. M. “Maxie” Rozell, and County Administrator Percy Ashcraft were in attendance. Also in attendance were Lt. Col. Michael Hall, Major C. Scott Moser, along with other members of the Sheriff’s Office.

Members of the Bowling Green Volunteer Fire Department, the Frog Level Volunteer Fire Department, and the Upper Caroline Volunteer Fire Department provided coverage for the Port Royal area so members of the PRVFD could hold and attend the benefit.

A special thanks to those that attended and to those that provided coverage.

Anyone wishing to donate may do so to the Yvonne Reedal Relief Fund at any Union Bank & Trust location.

Important fire risk message from Caroline County Fire and Rescue

Code Red! Code Red! Defcon Death!

Yeah, I know, not something to joke about; anyway:

The National Weather Service In Wakefield Has Issued A Red Flag Fire Risk Warning for Caroline County… Which Is In Effect From 9 AM To 9 PM EST Sunday, Feb 10, 2008.


A Red Flag Warning Means That Critical Fire Weather Conditions Are Either Occurring Now… Or Will Shortly. A Combination Of Strong Winds… Low Relative Humidity… And Mild Temperatures Will Create Explosive Fire Growth Potential.

A Strong Cold Front Will Approach From The West Tonight… And Cross The Mid Atlantic Region On Sunday. A Very Dry Airmass Will Follow… With Relative Humidities Dropping To Between 15 And 30 Percent By Sunday Afternoon Across Central And Southeast Virginia… And Northeast North Carolina. The Very Dry Conditions Will Be Combined With Sustained Winds Of 25 To 35 Mph… With Higher Gusts. Fire Management Officials Should Stay Alert For Potential Hazards Sunday.

Sent by Mark Garnett to All users (e-mail accounts) through Caroline Alert
… powered by the Roam Secure Alert Network


Tell a friend/co-worker about Caroline Alert! Forward this message to them and have them register for this free service at

Caroline County’s news roundup.

The Free Lance–Star: Neglected horses land Caroline man in jail

The Richmond Times-Dispatch: Bank heists jump in Richmond area:

Caroline County has had a few bank robberies over the years but none in the past couple. The sheriff’s office conducts classes on banking security and has made strides to strengthen its ties with the county’s six banks, said Lt. Col. C. Scott Moser.

“We have a great rapport with the people at the bank,” Moser said. “They know just about every one of the customers that come in, so if they see somebody that’s out of place or not the normal customer, they’ll call us. That’s an advantage to a smaller community.”

Uh…I’m not sure if they have quoted Lt. Col. Michael Hall or Major Scott Moser there. At least they didn’t make a reference to a non-existent “Lt. Col. Michael Timm” like The FL–S did.

Anyway, the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Security varies at City Hall, board rooms:

Here’s a look at security in selected locations across the region:


Caroline: The board can ask for deputies but rarely does. There are no metal detectors.

Good job there leaving out the fact that Lt. Col. Michael Hall usually attends all the Board of Superviors meetings…

And a non-answer to a question I asked the other day: the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Paying for growth:

Most Richmond and Tri-Cities localities use proffers to raise revenue for infrastructure. Legislation sponsored by Sen. John Watkins, R-Powhatan, would end the proffer system in favor of limited impact fees. Maximum

Localityproffer SB 768


Caroline $17,632 No stance

Of course, why should the county government take a stance on how the affects of future development will be paid for?

Guess they’re too busy thinking about that $2,400,000 visitors center that was paid for by proffers that should have been used for schools, roads, and public safety.