Local General Assembly/election coverage

How do I manage to do both of those in the same post? Because I’m just that good.

As noted previously, Caroline County will not receive funding to convert the Commonwealth’s Attorney position to a full-time position despite there being six budget amendments sponsored bipartisanly by fifteen (15) different Delegates and Senators. Somehow Buckingham County received funding to convert to full-time despite Caroline County having a population that is 66.04% more than Buckingham.

Another of Delegate Chris Peace’s amendments (besides the one for Commonwealth’s Attorney funding) was to provide $25,000 to the fund the construction of the Dawn Library. Killed.

Another of Peace’s amendments was one to provide $50,000 to Quin Rivers Inc., a community action agency, which covers the local area (including Caroline County). Killed.

Say thanks to the *bleep*s on the House Appropriations Committee.

Senator Ryan McDougle has introduced a bill, SB505, that would change Bowling Green’s charter. One of the biggest chances is the elections for mayor and town council:

An election shall be held on the first Tuesday of May, 2008, and every two years thereafter. At the election to be held in May, 2008, the candidate for the office of mayor receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of four years; the four candidates for councilmen receiving the highest number of votes, respectively, at such election shall be elected for a term of four years, and the three candidates receiving the next highest number of votes, respectively, at such election shall be elected for a term of two years; in the event that the three councilmen receiving the next highest number of votes cannot be determined because of a tie in the vote, the candidates who have tied in the votes shall draw lots to determine who shall serve the two-year term. Thereafter as the terms of the mayor and the members of the council, respectively, expire, their successors shall be elected for terms of four years. The mayor and councilmen elected at such elections shall enter upon their duties the first day of July next succeeding. Any vacancies on the council occurring other than by expiration of terms shall be filled, from the electors of the town, for the unexpired term, by a majority vote of the remaining members of the council.

In English: For the May 2008 election, the mayor would be elected for a four-year term, while the top four vote getters for the town council would serve a four-year term. The bottom three vote getters would have a two year term, then after the next election, those three seats would have four-year terms as well.

To make it simple: Mayor, four town council seats, elections in: 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, etc.
Three town council seats, elections in: 2008, 2010, 2014, 2018, etc.

The bill would also remove the salary cap for town council members and the mayor.

This bill has passed the Senate and is currently in the House of Delegate’s Committee on Counties, Cities and Town.

Senator McDougle has also introduced SJ51, Celebrating the life of Roger William Edwards:

WHEREAS, Roger William Edwards of Bowling Green, a respected citizen and longtime general registrar of Caroline County for nearly 25 years, died on December 12, 2007; and

WHEREAS, Roger Edwards was born in Pulaski County, the son of the late Andrew and Mildred Edwards; and

WHEREAS, Roger Edwards served in the United States Marine Corps in Parris Island, South Carolina, Camp LeJeune, North Carolina, and the Naval Weapons Station at Seal Beach, California, attaining the rank of sergeant; and

WHEREAS, before becoming Caroline County registrar, Roger Edwards served as an outstanding trooper for the Virginia State Police for 10 years; and

WHEREAS, a dedicated public servant and community supporter, Roger Edwards was appointed to the position of general registrar of Caroline County on April 1, 1983; and

WHEREAS, Roger Edwards was knowledgeable regarding state and local voting procedures and served as an invaluable and experienced advisor to all local candidates that ran for public office, as well as a mentor for other registrars across the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, throughout his distinguished career, Roger Edwards was always willing to share his considerable expertise with his colleagues, staff members, and volunteers; and

WHEREAS, because of his wealth of knowledge and professionalism, State Board of Elections officials would often call upon Roger Edwards for his opinion regarding potential changes to voting procedures; and

WHEREAS, Roger Edwards was immensely dedicated to his community, an enthusiastic supporter of many civic activities and organizations, always available to lend a helping hand to his fellow residents in need; and

WHEREAS, Roger Edwards was a faithful member of Bowling Green Baptist Church and active in the church’s many missions in the community; and

WHEREAS, Roger Edwards will be fondly remembered for his kind and generous nature and greatly missed by his loving family, his numerous friends and admirers, and the citizens of Caroline County; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly mourn the passing of a fine public servant and outstanding Virginian, Roger William Edwards; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Roger William Edwards as an expression of the General Assembly’s respect for his memory.

Election Results for the 99th HOD — Pollard wins!

7:32 p.m.: Pollard is up 65.81% to 34.19% with Richmond and Westmoreland Counties reporting!

So far, he’s gotten a majority in every precinct!

7:48 p.m.: 64.06% to 35.94% with Richmond, Westmoreland, and parts of King George and Northumberland reporting. Still has a majority in every precinct.

8:08 p.m.: 63.20% to 36.78% (1,495 vote spread) with more of King George and Northumberland reporting in. Has a majority in every precinct except Shiloh (King George County).

8:32 p.m.: 59.45% to 40.50% (1,777 vote spread) with all but one a couple precincts (Monroe in King George County, and 3A, 4A, 5A in Northumberland County) reporting.

8:48 p.m.: Either way, I’m calling this (which I could have done at 7:00 p.m. — or a month ago); meet the new Delegate for the 99th District, Albert Pollard:

[Photo Credit: Fred2Blue]

Thanks to the voters of the 99th District for not electing that fear-mongering demagogue George Lee Anne Washington!

Looks like Robby Wittman found a great replacement for himself!

9:02 p.m.: 3A and 5A precincts in Northumberland County have reported (leaving only Monroe in King George County and 4A in Northumberland County to report): 59.55% Pollard, 40.40% Washington.

02/19/2008, 9:33 p.m.: ALL PRECINCTS ARE IN (I think): 57.57% Pollard, 42.39% Washington, 0.04% Write in.

02/20/2008, 5:41 p.m.: FINAL NUMBERS: Albert Pollard (D), 6,908 votes, 57.58%; Lee Anne Washington (R), 5,086 votes, 42.39%, Write in, 3 votes, 0.03%.

Link for election numbers.

Is The Caroline Progress outsourcing letter writing?

In the January 30th edition of The Caroline Progress, there were two letters in support of Lee Anne Washington (R). The first was from a Howard Yarus of King George. King George is in (obviously) King George County, and is 20.95 miles away from Bowling Green (both the town seat of Caroline County and the location of The Caroline Progress‘s office).

The second letter in support of Lee Anne Washington (R), that was in the January 30th edition, was from Robert Fountain of Montross, Virginia. Robert Fountain is the Chairman of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee and is on First Congressional District Republican Committee. Montross is in Westmoreland County, and is 40.99 miles away from Bowling Green. This same letter also appeared in the February 6th edition of the Northern Neck News, which is owned by Lakeway Publishers, Inc., the same company that owns The Caroline Progress.

Another letter in support of Lee Anne Washington (R), appearing in the February 6th edition, was written by Terry Beatley from Lancaster, Virginia. Lancaster is in (again, obviously) Lancaster County, and is 68.31 miles away from Bowling Green.

The sole letter in support of Albert Pollard (D) appearing in any edition was in the February 6th edition. It was written by Rose West (who, admittedly, is the Secretary of the Caroline County Democratic Committee) who lives in Milford. Milford is 3.75 miles away from Bowling Green.

Yet another letter supporting Lee Anne Washington (R) written by Ron Herring of Heathsville, Virginia appeared in the February 13th edition. Heathsville is in Northumberland County and is 63.85 miles away from Bowling Green.

This is the same paper that in its December 5, 2007, edition printed a letter from the sheriff of Poquoson and York County in support of Rob Wittman (R). Yorktown is 100.57 miles away from Bowling Green!

Does anyone else see a problem with a 4–1 ratio of letters in support of one candidate (and if you include the letter in support of Wittman, a 5–1 ratio for one party)? Especially when the four letters (five, including Wittman’s) are from people not even in Caroline County? Especially times two, when the letters are being published in other newspapers owned by the same company?

It wouldn’t be a problem with using letters from their sister publications if they were done in a fair and balance manner!

Wait a second…I’m expecting them to do their jobs — how foolish of me…

Fear-monger, demagogue Lee Anne Washington responds:

On my “Lee Anne Washington (R) is either completely ignorant, or an outright liar; take your pick.” post:

  1. Lee Anne Washington said,

    I am neither completely ignorant, nor a liar. I simply stated my position on issues that have arisen either via recently proposed legislation or via recent public debate. I am sorry that you expended so much effort to misconstrue and take issue with what is clearly a policy statement. Next time, if you need a clarification, why don’t you just call me?

Yes, the infamous, “that’s not what I said” defense. Sorry to rehash, but here is what she said in a letter to The Free Lane–Star:

I know Virginians cannot tolerate illegal aliens receiving in-state college tuition, driver’s licenses, welfare, and state benefits. I pledge cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Remove these incentives for illegal aliens, and they’ll stop coming.

Anyone with a 12th grade education (even from Caroline County) knows that she is saying that illegal aliens currently receive in-state college tuition and driver’s licenses when they don’t! (For more details on that, see the original post). Otherwise, she wouldn’t be using the present tense of “receive” and the future tense of “remove”, as well as saying “they [wi]ll stop coming”.

Am I the only one that had to take English in high school (or college)?

Further, no legislation has come forward (as she claims) that would affect either in-state college tuition or driver’s licenses. There has been no public debate regarding in-state tuition or driver’s licenses as she claims either. Why should there be? It’s been settled!

Instead of saying, “sorry, I messed up”, instead she has to use the usual “that’s not what I said” defense.

Vote Albert Pollard tomorrow folks.

Weekly News Media Briefs – Week Ending February 16, 2008

From the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office: Weekly News Media Briefs – Week Ending February 16, 2008:

On February 11, 2008, Deputy W. D. Lipscomb stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction.  After investigating, Sean P. Doyle, 21, of Warrenton was charged with driving on a revoked driver’s license, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute and possession of heroin with the intent to distribute.  He was ordered held without bond and a court date of March 21, 2008 was set.

On February 11, 2008, Deputy W. D. Lipscomb stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction.  After investigating, Steven D. Street, 20, of Woodford was charged with driving under the influence.  He was ordered held on a $1500 bond and a court date of March 21, 2008 was set.

On February 13, 2008, Deputy C. M. Polliard stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction.  After investigating, Damien L. Stevens, 27, of Hanover was charged with driving on a suspended drivers license – 3rd offense.  He was released on a personal recognizance bond and an arraignment date of February 20, 2008 was set.

On February 14, 2008, Deputy C. M. Polliard stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction.  After investigating, Daryl E. Pilson, 36, of Fort Washington, MD was charged with driving under the influence and possession of an open alcohol container in a motor vehicle.  He was ordered held on a $1500 bond and an arraignment date of February 20, 2008 was set.

On February 15, 2008, Deputy K. H. Eichenmiller responded to a business in Bowling Green for a disorderly person.  After investigating, Donnie L. Poindexter, 44, of Ruther Glen was charged with being drunk in public.  He was released on a personal recognizance bond and a court date of March 14, 2008 was set.

On February 15, 2008, Deputy C. M, Polliard was assigned to investigate a break in located in Bowling Green.  After investigating, Polliard obtained juvenile petitions charging a male juvenile with unlawful entry, obstruction of justice, threatening a witness and resisting arrest.  The juvenile was ordered held without bond and a court date of February 19, 2008 was set.

On February 15, 2008, Deputy W. D. Lipscomb responded to a shots fired call in the Penola area.  After investigating, Dontae M. Lee, 22, of Ruther Glen was charged with carrying a concealed weapon.  He was released on his own recognizance and a court date of March 21, 2008 was set.

On February 16, 2008, Deputy S. Mullane stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction.  After investigating, Virginia B. Woolfolk, 63, of Ruther Glen was charged with driving under the influence – 2nd offense.  She was ordered held on a $1000 bond and an arraignment date of February 29, 2008 was set.

On February 16, 2008, Deputy J. O. Cecil responded to a reported domestic in Woodford.  After investigating, William R. Turner, 44, of Woodford was charged with domestic assault.  He was ordered held on a $2500 bond and an arraignment date of February 19, 2008 was set.

On February 16, 2008, Deputy C. A. Heywood stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction.  After investigating, Alan M. Taylor, 43, of Hanover was charged with felony DUI – 3rd offense, refusing to submit to a breath test – 2nd offense and reckless driving.  He was ordered held on a $1500 bond and an arraignment date of February 29, 2008 was set.

Caroline County Sheriff’s Office Wrap Up

According to Sheriff Tony Lippa, Caroline Deputies made 11 drug arrests, 6 domestic violence arrests, 6 D.U.I arrests and 43 other criminal arrests during the past week.  The deputies served 202 civil papers, issued 168 traffic summonses, handled 14 motor vehicle crashes, responded to 20 alarm calls, and dealt with 6 juvenile offenders.  The Sheriff’s Office Communications Center dispatched 537 calls for service and handled 1,961 telephone inquiries.  The CCSO also logged 35 calls assisting outside agencies and had 180 self initiated calls.

Am I the only one that thinks this smells fishy?

On December 10, 2007, The Free Lance–Star reported that Caroline County had received a $100,000 grant (hey, I found more money for a full-time Commonwealth’s Attorney!) from the Virginia Department of Transportation to “study building a passenger rail station in the Carmel Church area”. Further, The Free Lance–Star reported:

To join Virginia Railway Express, Caroline would have to become a member of a transportation commission and levy a 2 percent gas tax.

On December 26, 2007 President George Bush signed the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008“, which contains an earmark by the late Representative Jo Anne Davis in the amount of $490,000 for a “Commuter Rail Station at Carmel Church, VA”.

Now, I see this going down one of two ways:

  1. “Well, the study says we need VRE and what great timing since we have $490,000 from the federal government to pay for a rail station. Frankly, we don’t care what you [the citizens] have to say about the gas tax!”
  2. “The study says we don’t need VRE but we can’t turn this $490,000 down! I don’t care if you [the citizens] don’t like the gas tax or not! We are getting VRE!”

One current supervisor has stated: “I did not and will not support a gas tax.” Gut check time.

Priorities, priorities, priorities!

An editorial in The Free Lance-Star: Doggone it:

A bill by Del. Bobby Orrock, D-Caroline, defines commercial breeders, requires them to register with their localities, and subjects them to all kinds of regulations and inspections. The bill comes perilously close to inflicting unfounded government control on innocent parties–such as hobby breeders and hunt-club operators, for example. It also establishes expensive unfunded mandates just when localities are revenue-pressed.

Well, I’m going to assume that’s a typo (or a Freudian slip) when they refer to Orrock as a Democrat.

But besides that: Great work. Never thought I would be saying that to The FL-S. ;)

Have a read of the fiscal impact statement for this bill (HB538) from the Virginia Department of Planning and Budget:

According to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the bill will result in an increased need for technical support to local animal control officers, private practice veterinarians, and Commonwealth’s attorneys in recognizing, investigating, collecting evidence, prosecuting, and giving expert testimony on commercial animal breeders. In addition, the legislation may result in a greater number of animal cruelty and animal welfare investigations in general.

Talk about unfunded mandates…

The department estimates that the legislation will require one full-time position to carry out the responsibilities associated with it. The cost of the position includes salary and fringes of $90,350, and other costs, such as office space, computer, cell phone, and travel of $16,412 in the first year and $12,392 in subsequent years.

That would be $106,762 for the 2008-2009 fiscal year and $102,742 in each subsequent fiscal year.

The bill makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for commercial breeders to violate the provisions. The penalties of a Class 1 misdemeanor include confinement in jail for not more than 12 months and a fine of not more than $2,500. Therefore, this proposal could result in an increase in the number of persons in jail. There is not enough information available to reliably estimate how many additional inmates in jail could result from this proposal. Any increase in jail population will increase costs to the state. The Commonwealth pays localities $8 a day for each misdemeanant or otherwise local responsible prisoner held in a jail. It also funds much of the jails’ operating costs, e.g. correctional officers. The state’s share of these costs, on a per prisoner, per day basis varies from locality to locality. However, according to the Compensation Board’s most recent jail cost report (November 2007), the estimated total state support for local jails averaged $28.42 per inmate per day in FY 2006.

Bobby Orrock wants the state to spend at least $102,742 a year hunting down dog breeders (no pun intended) when his own county of residence can’t even get funding from the state to convert their part-time Commonwealth’s Attorney’s position to full-time! Does anyone else see a problem with this?

The last animal cruelty case (against Michael Wilkerson) that the Commonwealth’s Attorney in Caroline County prosecuted took two hours — and the case has since been appealed to Circuit Court and will have to be retried.

It’s nice to see that the government (any) has its spending priorities in order.

I hate Virginia…

Yes, that’s a hyperbole; to be more specific: I hate the Virginia House of Delegates.

Anyone care to guest what county managed to get full-time funding for their Commonwealth’s Attorney’s position in the House of Delegates budget?

Was it Caroline County?

Of course not!

It was Buckingham County! Why?

I’m sure it would have nothing to do with the fact that the Delegate that represents Buckingham County — Watkins M. Abbitt, Jr. — is on the House Appropriations committee and is the head of General Government subcommittee (which approved the budget amendment that gave Buckingham County the funding) [photo credit: Richmond Sunlight].

Let’s do some comparing and contrasting of Caroline and Buckingham Counties.

Estimated population in 2006 according to the Census Bureau:

  • Caroline County: 26,731
  • Buckingham County: 16,099

Bottom line: Caroline County has a population that is 66.04% higher.

According to the State Compensation Board:

  • Caroline County was ranked as most in need of additional attorney staffing with an 86.12% of need (the second ranked county, Amelia, was only 49.95%).
  • Buckingham County was ranked fourteenth (14th) in need with only a 21.90% of need.

Bottom line: Caroline County was determined to be more in need of additional attorney staffing than Buckingham County.


  • Caroline County was ranked eighteenth (18th) in need of additional administrative support (secretaries and paralegals) with a 37.78% of need.
  • Buckingham County was ranked forty-fourth (44th) in need with only a 5.77% need.

Bottom line: Caroline County was determined to be more in need of additional administrative support staffing than Buckingham County.

According to the 2005 Uniform Crime Report:

  • Caroline County had 869 arrests.
  • Buckingham County had 610 arrests.

Bottom line: Caroline County had 42.46% more arrests than Buckingham County.

State Compensation Board:

  • Caroline County was ranked 111th out of 120 jurisdictions with only 28.39% of felony defendants being sentenced. The rest of the felony defendants either had their charges nolle prossed, dismissed, or reduced to misdemeanors.
  • Buckingham County was ranked 73rd out of 120 jurisdictions with 48.79% of felons being sentenced.
  • The statewide average is 54.61%.

Bottom line: Caroline County has more felons not being sentenced due to the lack of adequate staffing.

So, tell me, which county do you think should have received money for full-time staffing?

Sitreps on Haymount, YMCA, and State Fair.

(Sitrep = situation report)

The Free Lance–Star: Big plans, big projects, big updates page:

Haymount (Caroline)

Haymount, a 4,000-home planned subdivision near Rappahannock Academy in Caroline County, has not been built despite being approved in 1992. Caroline’s planning director said Haymount is being sold to a developer who does similar projects. The 1,600-acre project is designed as a traditional town with an elementary school and a mix of retail and commercial.

I would kill for some decent infrastructure (roads and broadband) around here. Hurry up and build!


[…] The YMCA hopes to break ground in Caroline County late this year.

At the cost of $3,200,000 to the county. At least one Supervisor had the sense to vote against this.

Remember this when the Board wants to raise your real estate taxes to pay for a school, public safety building, or the Sparta Fire House.


The plan: State Fair officials bought 348 acres in southern Caroline County in 2003. At the time, they talked about holding the fair at its new home as early as 2006; the event is currently held at the Richmond Raceway Complex.

Status: Now, the earliest it will open at The Meadow, birthplace of Triple Crown winner Secretariat, is 2009.

Hopefully, it’ll be 2019.

This is a project where the current Chairman of the Board of Supervisors has said that if the fair brings in money for the county, the county will end up losing money from the state via the composite index.

And what economic benefit is it going to bring? There are no new businesses on the Caroline County side of The Meadow. The roads have been expanded on the Hanover side of The Meadow (going on Route 30 from I-95 to The Meadow) but the road going to Route 301 has not! I’m sure that intersection (Route 30 and Route 301) is going to look great when the fair opens — hey, just like Richmond!

The county has agreed to be responsible for the bills for utilities from Hanover County if the fair goes bankrupt. Of course, the county is acting as the middle-man to no benefit to the county. Too bad that none of the businesses that might want to set up (none have, however) in Caroline County (besides the fair) have access to said utilities.

Has anyone been to the site of the fair in Richmond? Make sure you have a gun with you if you go…

Hey, at least one Supervisor had the sense to vote against the fair (and two voted against the special permit for ticket sales for the fair).

Hey! The same Supervisor voted against both the YMCA and State Fair!

UPDATED: February 12, 2008 – Board of Supervisors meeting roundup

Nothing really interesting at this meeting and not a lot that The Free Lance–Star didn’t cover. And as usual, since I’m lazy, I’ve linked to The FL–S story.

Floyd Thomas was a little late getting to the meeting due to the Springfield Mixing Bowl Charlie Foxtrot.



Invocation by Wayne Acors.



Struck Consent Agenda Item C (Approval of Livestock Reimbursement Claim) and added Consent Agenda Item I: Declaration of Local Emergency.



Resolution adoption proposed by Sili/seconded by Popowicz: 5-0.


Maxie Rozell was presented with a resolution of recognition from the George Washington Regional Planning Commission for his tenure on the commission by Vice Chairman Jeff Sili.


  • VDOT Monthly Report

The usual bureaucratic junk (I really should get paid for this). Public hearing on VDOT’s 6-year plan will be March 18th.

  • Report on Development of Master Plan for Main County Recreation Park

Surveys will be sent out to citizens in the mail to determine what should be built at the county park.

  • Presentation of Proposed Floor Plan for County Use of Old Union Bankshares Building

Current projected price: $3,679,000, down from $3,700,000. Estimated completion time: 12 months.

Of course, I’m not sure why the county is spending $3,679,000 for office space for twenty full-time personnel when the Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Services have eighty-eight (88) full-time personnel which could have used a public safety building.

Sorry for beating a dead horse.

Or pumping a dry well.

Or trying to get blood from a stone.


  • Recreation Advisory Committee – Mattaponi District


  • Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) – Reedy Church District

Someone (didn’t catch name). Rozell/Acors: 5-0.

  • Social Services Board – Mattaponi District

Someone (didn’t catch name). Sili/Popowicz: 5-0.


  • A) Approval of Minutes
  • B) Approval of Warrants
  • C) Approval of Livestock Reimbursement Claim
  • D) Approval of Resolution Authorizing FRED Transit System to Submit Application for Demonstration Grant Funding
  • E) Approval of Payment Request #21 for Dawn Wastewater Project
  • F) Request for Adjustment to Water Bill Based on Special Circumstances
  • G) Approval of Supplemental School Appropriation
  • H) Adoption of Resolution Declaring March Red Cross Month in Caroline County
  • I) Declaration of Local Emergency

Popowicz proposed to adopt consent agenda as amended/seconded by Acors: 5-0.



UPDATE: Bah, I forgot something: Commonwealth’s Attorney Tony Spencer reiterated his need for full-time staffing (including a full-time secretary) at the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office. He pointed out that Caroline County was ranked as most in need of staffing by the State Compensation Board and had one of the lowest ratio of felony defendants to sentencing events (111th out of 120 jurisdictions) with only 28.39% of felony defendants being sentenced. That means the remainder of charged felons either had their charges nolle prossed, dismissed, or reduced to misdemeanors.

Proposed Adjustments to Water & Wastewater Rates

The Free Lance–Star: Regional briefs

From the Caroline County government: Public Input Requested On Utility Rate Adjustments

From the Caroline County government: Utility Rate Study Information


  • Proposed Dates for Budget Worksessions

Proposed work sessions for the budget: March 4th, March 6th, March 13th, and March 20th.

State of the County Address will be February 28th.



There was a closed meeting but I’m too lazy to type out the reasons for it. Sili/Acors: 5-0.


Next Board of Supervisors meeting: February 26th.

The School Board will have a budget work session on February 19th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board office.

As always, if I forgot about something, leave a comment.