We have candidates for Bowling Green and Port Royal.

The Free Lance–Star: AREA CANDIDATES:


Mayor: David Storke

Town Council (7 seats): Eric V. Hinson, Robert J. Ketterman Sr., Mark S. Mallin, Glenn McDearmon, Randal Robillard, Jason E. Satterwhite, Daniel C. Webb, Otis Lee Wright


PORT ROYAL Town Council (7 seats): Mark E. Hampton, Bill E. Henderson, Nancy L. Long, Della F. Mills, William A. Wick Jr., Rosie E. Upshaw.

Spotsyltucky County creates broadband authority, Caroline still in stone age.

The Free Lance–Star: County creates broadband authority:

Spotsylvania may follow King George into the age of wireless broadband Internet. The Board of Supervisors recently approved a measure that lays the groundwork for a wireless broadband service authority.

With permission to form and hold a public hearing, the authority can now take steps toward creating public-private partnerships that would build a wireless broadband network in the county. Although it has not yet been funded, county supervisors have approved $10,000 for a consultant to help the wireless broadband authority navigate the State Corporation Commission’s requirements for approval.


Because of low population density, patches of western and southern Spotsylvania are not served by cable companies, and are not eligible for DSL service from phone companies. The wireless system would offer an alternative to dial-up for those residents.

Hey, that sounds familiar, doesn’t it?


He [Spotsylvania County Director of Information Services Brian Scott] believes that county residents will benefit from the increased availability of the Internet, as well as increased competition between providers. County services like the Sheriff’s Department and Fire Department could also benefit from countywide Internet coverage.

Oh quiet you, everyone knows that isn’t important. We have a YMCA and a visitors center to worry about.

Oh! Don’t forget about the cannery!

It took King George more than a year to get through the planning stage, and it will take time for any system to get up and running in Spotsylvania, but Scott hopes to use the template created by King George to expedite the process of partnering with a provider.

Meanwhile, Caroline County twiddles its thumbs…

They have a jury for Donna Blanton.

The Free Lance–Star: UPDATE: Most potential jurors unaware of Blanton case:

Jury selection in the case of Donna Blanton started this morning and is expected to be complete by mid-afternoon, with opening statements to follow.


In Virginia Beach, however, only one of the 40 potential jurors questioned today had heard anything about the case.


Today is the first day of what is expected to be an eight day trial here.

Bill that would change Bowling Green’s charter passes House; on way to be signed by Governor.

As noted previously, Senate Ryan McDougle has introduced a bill (SB 505) that would change Bowling Green’s charter. This bill has since passed through the House of Delegates (97–0).

Again, as noted previously, this change to the charter would affect the upcoming town election in Bowling Green:

An election shall be held on the first Tuesday of May, 2008, and every two years thereafter. At the election to be held in May, 2008, the candidate for the office of mayor receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of four years; the four candidates for councilmen receiving the highest number of votes, respectively, at such election shall be elected for a term of four years, and the three candidates receiving the next highest number of votes, respectively, at such election shall be elected for a term of two years; in the event that the three councilmen receiving the next highest number of votes cannot be determined because of a tie in the vote, the candidates who have tied in the votes shall draw lots to determine who shall serve the two-year term. Thereafter as the terms of the mayor and the members of the council, respectively, expire, their successors shall be elected for terms of four years. The mayor and councilmen elected at such elections shall enter upon their duties the first day of July next succeeding. Any vacancies on the council occurring other than by expiration of terms shall be filled, from the electors of the town, for the unexpired term, by a majority vote of the remaining members of the council.

In English: For the May 2008 election, the mayor would be elected for a four-year term, while the top four vote getters for the town council would serve a four-year term. The bottom three vote getters would have a two year term, then after the next election, those three seats would have four-year terms as well.

To make it simple: Mayor and four town council seats, elections in: 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, etc.
Three town council seats, elections in: 2008, 2010, 2014, 2018, etc.

The bill would also remove the salary cap for town council members and the mayor.

Blanton retrial starts today.

The Free Lance–Star: Blanton trial starts today in Virginia Beach:

Not only will Donna Blanton get a new jury in Virginia Beach to hear her case today, but a new prosecutor to try it as well.

Tony Spencer, who took over as Caroline County commonwealth’s attorney about two months ago, will prosecute the case, which could last eight days.

Most of today is expected to be consumed by jury selection.


Spencer said 240 jurors have been summoned for the first day, which is at least 100 more than showed up for Blanton’s scheduled retrial in Caroline.


Spencer said the main concern today will be to select jurors who do not know details of the case or that the case has been tried before.

Revercomb has said previously that anyone who knows of the previous conviction cannot sit on the jury.

“I just hope we don’t have any trouble seating the jury,” Spencer said.

March 1st was the 61st anniversary of the passing of Sheriff’s Deputy Strother Lewis of the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office in the line of duty.

From The Office Down Memorial Page: Deputy Sheriff Strother W. Lewis Sr.:

Deputy Lewis was shot and killed by a prisoner while questioning him about a robbery. During the interrogation the suspect struck the weapon that Deputy Lewis was holding, causing it to discharge and strike Deputy Lewis in the head. The man then fled the scene with Deputy Lewis’ service weapon. The suspect was eventually apprehended after being shot by a posse and almost killed. He was initially sentenced to death but received a life sentence during a second trial.

Deputy Lewis was a U.S. Navy veteran of WWI.

Let me throw some things out here…

On February 8, 2008, The Free Lance–Star published a story about the new visitors center:

So Caroline administrations are preparing by taking applications for the county’s first full-time tourism manager, a position that will probably be filled this month.


So far, about 65 people have applied for the additional manager position, which will pay between $36,145 and $54,468, plus benefits.

Whoever is hired will not only manage the $2.4 million, 5,000-square-foot center just off Interstate 95, but also help promote such attractions as the State Fair, which opens next year at The Meadow, birthplace of Triple Crown winner Secretariat.

On February 26, 2008, Gary Wilson published a press release stating that Kathy Beard had been hired to serve as the tourism manager for Caroline County. Her qualifications:

Beard served as the Director of Economic Development & Tourism for the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia from 1995 to 2003 and in recent years has served as an Executive Vice President for the Stafford Council for Progress and as an economic development consultant for the Town of Bowling Green.

Beard attended West Texas State University in Canyon, Texas and holds an Institute of Organizational Management certification from Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

On February 29, 2008, The Free Lance–Star published a story (p. B5) that was nothing more than a rewording of Gary Wilson’s press release.

Let me say that I find her qualifications lacking:

Is this the same Stafford Council for Progress that doesn’t even possess a functioning website? Isn’t the Stafford Council for Progress “a research organization representing the development industry in Stafford”?

According to Wilson’s own press release, this person doesn’t even possess a college diploma — not even an associates degree — only a certificate.

A person that is supposed to manage a $2,400,000, 5,000 square foot facility and receive between $36,145 and $54,468 (plus benefits), who lacks a college degree, is hired over at least 64 other people? Of course, the sheriff’s office functioned wonderfully for twelve years under similar leadership.

Let me throw something else out there: This person (Beard) serves as an economic development consultant for Bowling Green. Surely her hiring had nothing to do with the fact that the wife (Susan Sili) of a current Board of Supervisors member (Jeff Sili) is on the Town Council for Bowling Green? Right?

Surely, I’m must be wrong about this but, alas, Mrs. Sili, using the alias of oharascarlett, knew about Beard’s application and was talking her up on Fredtalk, on February 16, 2008:

64 people applied (and yes ken was in the newpspaper) for the job of toursim director for Caroline County, top salary at present, 54,000 dollars. only 2 applicants were from Caroline. One of the applicants was the former, Economic Development Director of Fredericksburg.

And on February 17, 2008:

yep and funny you should mention Fredericksburg’s tourism organization, there is quite a bit of interest from that direction in the new job here in Caroline.

This was over a week before there had been an official announcement about the hiring of Beard.

Consider a dig through of the Bowling Green Town Council minutes:

CE&O, Inc. (Kathy Beard’s company) has received $50,635.33 from the town since December 2004. $50,635.33 for three years for a town that has a population of 1,013 people. Amazing. Nice to see where that $0.17 per $100 assessed real estate tax and $1.20 per $100 assessed personal property tax are going.

Care to guess who was involved with CE&O, Inc.’s contract with the town of Bowling Green? If you guess Susan Sili you get a special prize! From the February 2, 2006 minutes of the Town Council minutes:

The Town Manager’s report is as follows with some additional discussion during the meeting that are in italics:

1. CE&O Contract and related matters – I met with the Economic Development Committee (Susan Sili and Glenn McDearmon) and we bring two items to Town Council for consideration, and we recommend the approval of both matters.

1. Approval of proposal and contract for “Economic Development and Promotional Services” with CE&O, Inc. (Kathy Beard).


On motion by Sili, seconded by Wright, Council voted to accept the Contract as proposed by CE&O, Inc. (Kathy Beard) for Economic Development projects and allow the Mayor to sign on behalf of the Council. Voting Aye: Allen, Wright, Haley, Parke, McDearmon, Ketterman, Sili.

And on July 5, 2007:

The TM [town manger] asked for authorization to negotiate a contract with CE&O which would include, at a minimum, the planning and arranging of the 18th Annual Harvest Festival, creation and distribution of four Town newsletters, preparation and planning of a Clean Sweep event, arranging of Second Friday events, and additional marketing activities, as needed.


Ms. Sili said she would like input from the business community regarding which economic services are helping and which ones are not.


On motion by Sili, seconded by Wright, Council voted to allow the Town Manager to work with the Economic Development Committee and negotiate a contract with CE&O to provide economic development services and activities for the coming fiscal year in an amount not to exceed $37,000.00, with the Mayor signing the contract.

Beard also seems to be buddies with current Speaker Bill Howell (R) of the Virginia House of Delegates according to The Washington Times:

“He [Howell] has always had a calming presence in the region and he likes to do his business face to face,” said Kathy J. Beard, director of the Office of Economic Development and Tourism for Fredericksburg, who sits on several community boards with Mr. Howell.

Isn’t Jeff Sili chairman of the Caroline County Republican Committee?

And on her experience with Fredericksburg, consider this from The Free Lance–Star:

Kathy Beard, outgoing director of Fredericksburg’s Economic Development and Tourism office, agrees that the conference center is just what the city needs to draw more visitors for longer stays.

This is the same conference center that the city of Fredericksburg is considering subsidizing now!

Ms. Beard also seems to be unfamiliar with the intricacies of the proffer system as well: Proffers = high density = crime:

One of the things that Kathy Beard of the Stafford Council for Progress failed to mention in her op-ed is that in order for Stafford County to receive proffers from developers, they must first rezone the property that will produce the proffer [“Stafford supervisors need to reassess the current growth policies,” Oct. 5].


Keep in mind that the SCP is an organization of builders, developers, landowners, and business owners. Their motivation may serve a different master than the welfare of Stafford County.

Well said. Now that leadership comes to Caroline County under suspicious and odd circumstances.

UPDATED: Another Alleged Drug Dealer Arrested

Gotta love that headline. From the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office: Another Alleged Drug Dealer Arrested:

Sheriff Tony Lippa wishes to express his gratitude to those who provided us information that allowed the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office to arrest another alleged drug dealer. “I truly appreciate the ongoing support of our community in assisting us in our continued efforts on the war against illegal drugs in Caroline County. Together we are making a difference.”

On 2-22-08 Caroline County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Investigators executed multiple drug related search warrants resulting in a seizure of $10,000.00 worth of crack cocaine. An investigation into Dupree Johnson, a 35 year old rap recording artist from Prince George County Maryland began six months ago. A search warrant was executed on a residence located at 6672-A Cedar Fork Road, Ruther Glen, VA., in Caroline County. As a result of this search warrant, the investigation branched out to neighboring Spotsylvania County. Two search warrants were executed in Spotsylvania County with the assistance of the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics unit.

The Caroline County Sheriff’s Office had gained information during this investigation that Johnson traveled from Maryland to the Caroline County area for the purpose of distributing illegal drugs. Upon arresting Johnson, the Sheriff’s Office has stopped a flow of cocaine into Caroline County valued at approximately $10,000.00 per weekend.

Johnson has been charged with two counts of distribution of cocaine and one count of possession of cocaine and is being held without bond in Pamunkey Regional Jail. As this is an ongoing investigation, no further information is being released at this time.

UPDATE: According to online court records in Maryland, Dupree Theodore Johnson (DOB: 11/16/1972) has been charged previously for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession with intent to distribute a narcotic, and he currently had a warrant out for him for failure to appear on a charge of driving on a suspended license.

Donna Blanton trial to begin Monday in Virginia Beach

The Free Lance–Star: Blanton’s retrial slated for Monday:

The retrial for the Caroline County woman charged with killing her state trooper husband will start Monday in Virginia Beach.


Tony Spencer, commonwealth’s attorney, said the trial should last about eight days, and 240 potential jurors have been summoned for the first day of jury selection.

The trial is set to begin at 9:30 a.m., according to online court records.


She won an appeal last year, however, based on the grounds that Harvey Latney, who was the commonwealth’s attorney at the time, showed bias in picking his jury.

Well, to be more specific there was the complaint that the court: “permit[ed] the Commonwealth to use all of its peremptory strikes against five white females without supplying a gender-neutral reason”.

Blanton’s attorney also argued that the court: “refus[ed] to strike Juror 12 due to his relationship with the Commonwealth’s Attorney”. That issue wasn’t addressed since it began a moot point after the whole jury was thrown out.

Donna L. Blanton v. Commonwealth of Virginia, Record No. 1955-05-2


In November, Judge Horace A. Revercomb tried to seat a jury for the retrial in Caroline, but after two days of jury selection, was unable to find enough people who didn’t know about the case.

Campbell said knowledge of the case’s history will be the concern again in Virginia Beach.

“The bar is set higher for a retrial,” he said. “If they even know she was ever tried and convicted, they can’t sit on the jury.”

Yes, the truth is bad for defense attorneys (and the people they represent).

UPDATE: Great, we made the AP: Retrial set for woman charged with killing trooper husband