Mockery is always the best medicine.

And Ace of Spades HQ proves that, with their ongoing “Eric Cantor Jewishness Watch” (left column):

DNC: No, Seriously, Did I Mention that Eric Cantor Orders Roast Beef on Challah Bread, “a Deli Specialty Which Exudes Jewish Power“?
Am I lying? Am I sweetening? Am I making crazy shit up? Answer: NO, alas, I am not

Eric Cantor Jewishness Watch: Current Status: Still a Jew.
The Joint DNC/David Duke Jew-Tracker Early Warning System Rates Him as a “Three Yarmulke Threat,” Just One Yarmulke Shy of the Most Dire Category of “Catastrophic Hebraicness”…
The Ace of Spades Jew-Watch Election Center will keep an eye on this alarming situation. When we know more, you’ll know more.

Yup, It’s Bayh: Obama Hints Veep Pick Will be Low-Key (Bayh is Boring as F***) and Will “Challenge” His Assumptions (Bayh Voted in Favor of the Iraq War)
Upside of Bayh pick: He’s not a Jew like Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Casey Anthony Released from Jail; Asserts She’s Not Guilty, Not Jewish

Eric Cantor Mystery Deepens; Neighbors Say He Lacks “Christmas Spirit”
Just hitting the wires: Cantor (Jew-VA) has a 100% Lifetime Rating from the CCR (Council of Concerned Rabbis), and a 0% Lifetime Rating from the AGA (Americans for Gentile Action)

Crisis in the Capitol, Seven Years Later: Who Killed Chandra Levy?
DNC sources say suspect must have had motive, means, and gefilte fish

This, my friends, is why AoSHQ is the best blog out there.

Those Democrats sure are obsessed with people of Jewish faith.

In fact, the Democratic National Committee points out that Representative Eric Cantor (R-7th VA) is Jewish five times in a 665 word hit piece on their website:

Abramoff said that Cantor would be “the party’s most visible liaison to Jewish groups and in my view will be an important liaison to conservatives and religious Christians.”


According to the Times Picayune, Rep. Eric Cantor was “the marquee guest” at the event which sought to raise money from the Jewish community. Both Abramoff and Cantor are Jewish.


Abramoff unveiled the Eric Cantor sandwich, ‘a tuna-based stacker,’ which, lamentably, was ‘not quite [the] power lunch befitting’ the only Jewish Republican in the House. Hence a request by Cantor … to switch his eponymous sandwich to roast beef on challah, ‘a deli special that exudes Jewish power.'”

Do the Dems think that there was a conspiracy invovling people of Jewish faith?

That sounds something from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Or Hitler.

They also have a fascination with “Jewish groups” and the “Jewish community”.

What other conclusion can you draw since they pointed out that both Jack Abramoff and Eric Cantor are Jewish?

Seriously, give me one reason why that’s important to the content of the article other than to imply a conspiracy among Jews.

Is anyone else sick of this crap?

If the Jews aren’t hell bent on world domination, they’re trying to take over the Caroline County Church Softball League as people on FredTalk have insinuated.

Take, for example, posts by Susan Sili (alias: “oharascarlett”):

Why make inflamatory statements in the press?

Because it helps to build the overall case for damages aka settlement.


and according to those interviews, he has done this before, but I don’t believe everything I read.


I would imagine the way in which this was done and subsequent misrepresentation in the newspapers is enough to have the sign up pulled down. The desired effect was achieved.

Hate everywhere…

Does anyone else have problem with the fact this woman is on the Board of Directors for Caroline’s Promise?

H/t: Virginia Virtucon on the Cantor stuf

UPDATE: Ace of Spades HQ sums it up pretty well: “In six paragraphs denigrating Cantor, they rack up five points in a game of Pin the Tail on the Hebe.”

Free Lance–Star columnist: Don’t vote for someone based on what they say or do; vote for them because we [the media] say so.

He also said if you don’t support Private Obama then you’re a racist pig: The Free Lance-Black Hole strikes again!

FYI: Obama’s a private — specifically an E-1 — now because he said talking about abortion is “above his pay grade”.

Forget about investigating “Big Oil”; you know who we should investigate? Big Corn.

From The Corner on National Review Online (they’re quoting “Kim Strassel’s Wall Street Journal article on the Senate’s ‘Gang of Ten.'”) [emphasis mine throughout]:

… it was probably too much to assume every Republican would work out that their side was winning [the energy] issue. And so, last Friday, in stumbled Sens. Lindsey Graham, John Thune, Saxby Chambliss, Bob Corker and Johnny Isakson — alongside five Senate Democrats. This “Gang of 10” announced a “sweeping” and “bipartisan” energy plan to break Washington’s energy “stalemate.” What they did was throw every vulnerable Democrat, and Mr. Obama, a life preserver.

That’s because the plan is a Democratic giveaway. New production on offshore federal lands is left to state legislatures, and then in only four coastal states. The regulatory hurdles are huge. And the bill bars drilling within 50 miles of the coast — putting off limits some of the most productive areas. Alaska’s oil-rich Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is still a no-go.

The highlight is instead $84 billion in tax credits, subsidies and federal handouts for alternative fuels and renewables. The Gang of 10 intends to pay for all this in part by raising taxes on . . . oil companies! The Sierra Club couldn’t have penned it better. And so the Republican Five has potentially given antidrilling Democrats the political cover they need to neutralize energy through November.

There’s one word that explains why these five Republicans are selling out: Biofuels. The gang’s “compromise bill” contains billions in subsidies for research into biofuels, and for the manufacture of ethanol-burning cars.

Thune is from the corn-producing state of South Dakota and has always been a big advocate for corn ethanol. The flagship university in Corker’s home state of Tennessee houses a major biofuels research center, specializing in cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass. Chambliss is the ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee. He and Isakson both represent Georgia, where they are trying to figure out how to turn Georgia peanuts into fuel. And Graham — well, Graham just seems to have a mania for joining bipartisan gangs.

The worst part — as Strassel points out — is that the gang would raise the money for these new ethanol ventures by repealing tax provisions that allow oil companies to write off the cost of expanding refinery capacity. Whatever this bill is, it’s not a cheaper-gas bill. In fact, despite its meager drilling provisions, it looks a lot like the opposite.

Why, isn’t this just brillant, let’s waste more money on ethanol and other bio “fuels”.

Here’s a few facts about ethanol:

Ethanol pollutes the air more than gasoline does (CBS News, NPR, FOX News).

Ethanol provides fewer miles per gallon than gasoline does (AP via Newsday).

It takes more energy to produce a gallon of ethanol than that gallon of ethanol provides! That makes ethanol a net loser when it comes to energy.

And switch grass, wood biomass, soybean, and sunflower bio “fuels” are even worst than corn ethanol according to researchers at Cornell University and the University of California-Berkeley (Green Car Congress):

In terms of energy output compared with energy input for ethanol production, their calculations determined that:

  • Corn requires 29% more fossil energy than the fuel produced;
  • Switch grass requires 45% more fossil energy than the fuel produced;
  • Wood biomass requires 57% more fossil energy than the fuel produced.

In terms of energy output compared with the energy input for biodiesel production, the study found that:

  • Soybean plants requires 27% more fossil energy than the fuel produced;
  • Sunflower plants requires 118% more fossil energy than the fuel produced.

The World Bank has stated that the use of ethanol as a fuel source has increased food prices by 75% world wide (The right-wing liberal).

So, because Americans are using corn as a fuel source instead of a food source, people in developing nations are starving to death because they don’t have money to pay for the massive increase in food costs.

This ethanol bull@#$% is required as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Care to guess which Presidential candidate voted against the bill four times in the United States Senate?

John McCain (Roll call vote 152, 158, 212, 213).

Care to guess who voted for the bill four times and is now complaining about it? (The right-wing liberal again, different link)

Barack Obama (Ibid).

Care to guess whom I’m going to vote for this year?

(Read more at The right-wing liberal too.)

Another myth about Barack Obama destroyed.

International Herald Tribune:

In an effort to cast himself as independent of the influence of money on politics, Senator Barack Obama often highlights the campaign contributions of $200 or less that have amounted to fully half of the $340 million he has collected so far.

But records show that a third of his record-breaking haul has come from donations of $1,000 or more – a total of $112 million, more than the total of contributions in that category taken in by either Senator John McCain, his Republican rival, or Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, his opponent in the Democratic primaries.

Behind those large donations is a phalanx of more than 500 Obama “bundlers,” fund-raisers who have each collected contributions totaling $50,000 or more. Many of the bundlers come from industries with critical interests in Washington. Nearly three dozen of the bundlers have raised more than $500,000, including more than a half-dozen who have passed the $1 million mark and one or two who have exceeded $2 million, according to interviews with fund-raisers.

While his campaign has cited its volume of small donations as a rationale for his decision to opt out of public financing for the general election, Obama has worked to build a network of big-dollar supporters from the time he began contemplating a run for the U.S. Senate.

He tapped into well-connected people in Chicago before the 2004 Senate race, and, once elected, set out across the country starting in 2005 to cultivate some of his party’s most influential money collectors.

[…]An analysis of campaign finance records shows that about two-thirds of his bundlers are concentrated in four major industries: law, securities and investments, real estate and entertainment. Lawyers make up the largest group at about 130, with many working for firms that also have lobbying arms. At least 100 Obama bundlers are top executives or brokers from investment businesses – nearly two dozen work for financial titans like Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. About 40 others come from the real-estate industry.

The biggest fund-raisers include people like Julius Genachowski, a former senior official at the Federal Communications Commission and a technology executive who is new to big-time political fund-raising; Robert Wolf, president and chief operating officer of UBS Investment Bank; James Torrey, a New York hedge fund investor; and Charles Rivkin, an animation studio head in Los Angeles.

Read the whole thing as they say.

H/t: Matt “threat to democracy” Drudge

If John McCain keeps this up, he might just win this one.

From a press release:

Americans across the country are feeling the effects of high gas prices and our need to expand domestic oil production.

John McCain says we need offshore oil drilling and we need it now. Senator Barack Obama has consistently opposed offshore drilling – calling it a “gimmick.” Senator Obama’s solution to high gas prices is telling Americans to make sure their tires are inflated.

Today, I’m asking for your help in putting Senator Obama’s “tire gauge” energy policy to the test. With an immediate donation of $25 or more, we will send you an “Obama Energy Plan” tire pressure gauge. Will simply inflating your tires reduce the financial burden of high gas prices on your wallet?

It’s clear Senator Obama has no plan to address the energy challenges we face as a nation. He has said no to offshore drilling, no to expanding domestic drilling and no to nuclear energy. He has no plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Check out D.J. McGuire’s take too.

Is Barack Obama the personification of narcissism?

The man who would be King:

Obama’s section of the plane rivals that of any first class. Recently the front cabin of the Boeing 757 was retrofitted to install four individual chairs that resemble La-Z-Boys. They are free-standing and made of plush leather with pockets on the sides. There is also a booth which seats four for a meeting or a meal.

His chair has his name and campaign logo embroidered on the back top — “Obama ‘08” on one line and “President” underneath. To one side is a small table stacked with newspapers ready for the candidate’s arrival. The table of the booth is always covered in snacks and cheese and is where Obama spends most of his time during flights meeting with staff and sitting for the occasional interview.

I’m sure his donors are loving hearing about this…

By the way, what’s his carbon footprint?

H/t: Ace of Spades HQ

Nathan Larson (Libertarian nominee for the 1st CD), the free encyclopedia candidate that anyone can edit.

Nathan Larson is the Libertarian nominee for the 1st Congressional District.

He is (or has been) a “cannabis activist”.

Translation: He’s a pothead, dude.

Now, like all enterprising political morons (me included), he created a web site ( The funny part?

The web site uses the same software (MediaWiki) as Wikipedia, which means anyone can go and edit the pages, including being able to “vandalize” them.

Now, I have a question, if I edit a page and state that “Nathan Larson will support the legalization of rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs)”; does that make it true?

I could have a lot of fun with this exercise and create the very candidate I want for office!

I’m sure as hell aren’t going to get that from Rob Wittman, that’s for sure.

Reefer madness, I tell you.

Who says politics isn’t funny?

No, Keith, the issue is that you lied repeatedly.

The Free Lance–Star:

When 1st District congressional candidate Keith Hummel said three weeks ago he was suspending his campaign, local Democrats hoped he could exit the race quietly and they could find a new candidate.

But since then, Hummel has not taken steps to withdraw formally from the race.

Frustrated, Fredericksburg Democrats have passed a resolution demanding that he withdraw. And they also passed a resolution asking for the resignation of 1st District Democratic chairwoman Suzette Matthews.

Hummel, an emergency room doctor who also runs a vineyard in Montross, suspended his campaign on July 3 because his multiple past bankruptcy filings had become an issue.

In a written statement announcing the suspension, he blamed others for making his financial difficulties an issue that threatened to overshadow his campaign.

No, the issue here is that you lied repeatedly Keith.

At the First Congressional Democratic Committee meeting in March, you said that you had one bankruptcy filing; not five:

While Hummel has said he was open about his financial difficulties, area Democrats say he misled them as to the extent of his past bankruptcy filings, and that if they’d known his full background–which includes three bankruptcies in the Eastern District of U.S. Bankruptcy Court and two older ones elsewhere–he never would have gotten the party’s nomination.